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When to open interfolio account for next app cycle?


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Probably June. Although if you get it now you will be ok. Even if your subscription ends Next February, the fact is all the reference letters you need to send would already be in.


I think I am missing something you are asking here, because you really only need it from the moment you get your first LoR to the moment you send your LoRs to the last schoo you apply tol. That range shouldn't me more than 4-5 months (assuming you want to apply early).

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well, waitlisted to Mac for Interview, Ottawa --> insufficient ABS, and nothing from UT (not expecting anything but hoping for the best). Calgary was a no-go as well (made 451 cutoff as OOP, but no interview either). as much as friends and parents will try, I will not re-write my MCAT for 2 schools because of my WS (P) so really, queen's and UWO will be off my list as well for next year as well. Given that I've got dual citizenship, I'm hoping for something nice from the US next cycle.

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well, waitlisted to Mac for Interview, Ottawa --> insufficient ABS, and nothing from UT (not expecting anything but hoping for the best). Calgary was a no-go as well (made 451 cutoff as OOP, but no interview either). as much as friends and parents will try, I will not re-write my MCAT for 2 schools because of my WS (P) so really, queen's and UWO will be off my list as well for next year as well. Given that I've got dual citizenship, I'm hoping for something nice from the US next cycle.


For the win. I wouldn't worry so much. a 34 with a lot of clinical experience,research, and the rest will land you some seriously sweet interviews.

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