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If you rewrite the MCAT ...


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do schools look at your best score? your most recent score? average score?


Does it vary from school to school?


Sorry if this question is asked often, I didn't see it in the FAQs section.


In case you're wondering my first MCAT score:


PS - 9

VR - 10

BS - 12

W - R


and yes I do think I can improve on that score -- was really busy last summer and I don't think I approached the exam preparation in the best way.

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at least you would make the Western cuttoff and you are good for Toronto... not sure about Queens though (i think they needed 32+ overall, and maybe 10 in each section...)


and yes, schools vary in terms of what they look at for the mcat


MUN looks at all of them for improvement

Dal takes the most recent one

Western looks at the most recent

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