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can you do well just using prep courses....


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I'm 7 years removed from my science days (completed Med Sci 4 yr degree)

and wondering if I can do well on the MCAT using just prep courses (Princeton, Kaplan, etc)? OR do I need to take some type of refresher program that I've been reading about but don't know much about. Obviously the PS and BS are the worries for me as I've had to do verbal reasoning and essays on other standardized tests.


any insight would be much appreciated.






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I'm 7 years removed from my science days (completed Med Sci 4 yr degree)

and wondering if I can do well on the MCAT using just prep courses (Princeton, Kaplan, etc)? OR do I need to take some type of refresher program that I've been reading about but don't know much about. Obviously the PS and BS are the worries for me as I've had to do verbal reasoning and essays on other standardized tests.


any insight would be much appreciated.






I teach for PR and I have many mature students in my class who haven't been in school for quite some time. It takes a bit more work but I have seen many of them become very successful on the MCAT. A course would be beneficial in my opinion (obviously a bit biased), however, it will give you the schedule that you need to get back into it, as well as the books and practice tests.

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I have the TPR books that I bought off a friend so I am going over those right now. I can't attend a course b/c of my job but plan to study quite intensely over the next 12 weeks. Not sure if it'll be enough but I'll take it as it comes




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I took the MCAT twice... and never have taken physics, chemistry, or orgo in university. Attempt 1 was 4 years removed from high school science classes and attempt two was 6 years.


So I used a TPR classroom course hoping to teach it to myself....

Requires a lot of extra work compared to those that have taken course work but I managed to do as well as I could have hope..


Ironically PS was my strongest section despite having NO coursework in univ related to the PS section I was able to get an 11, and 12 my two times.

And even though I had Biology, physiology and anatomy is was the bio section that gave me trouble the first time.


So I post to tell you it can be done, but I add the disclaimer, don't do it if you don't have to.... if you can fit the pre-reqs in, you make life a lot easier and get univ credits while doing it.

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about 7 years ago (good old UWO). I have a 4 yr in Med sci so this stuff is vaguely familiar and at least I know I've learned it before. So I have all my pre-reqs etc etc.


Thanks for the tip about Ek. I have their books too. I just finished reading the VR section. I know everyone raves about it, but there was just a minimal amount of info...perhaps 10-15 pages on strategies and tactics. Perhaps it'll kick in later but I was surpirsed that there was nothing there that really hit me.


thanks for the help!

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