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Dates When School Starts Vs. MCAT Test Date


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Ontario Universities commence their classes in early September and there are four MCAT test dates in early September.. Would people be comfortable writing the MCAT like 2 days before school starts or a week into school?


It just makes me wonder if the September dates will be avoided by a surprising number of Ontario Undergrads...


Is that just a stupid/crazy thought or is it be true?

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some people are away for the summer and they usually write when they get back


some people have to work, and prefer writing a few weeks after their work term is over from the summer


some people want as much time as possible to study and they write it at late as possible


some people write it early in the year and wait to see if they got a good enough grade or not, if not then they write again later that year



add all of those people together = ~ testing seats available

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some people are away for the summer and they usually write when they get back


some people have to work, and prefer writing a few weeks after their work term is over from the summer


some people want as much time as possible to study and they write it at late as possible


some people write it early in the year and wait to see if they got a good enough grade or not, if not then they write again later that year



add all of those people together = ~ testing seats available


It's just simple math isn't it?

Thank you wise one.

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