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Question about the Testing location i registered for


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Wow, spots for the MCAT get snapped up really quickly! I was planning on writing in London, but I guess there was no availability. I had to settle with registering for Willis College on Yonge St. in Toronto. Has anyone written their MCAT there? How was it?


Also, is there any way to check if any spots open up in London in the next coming months (I'm planning on writing July 17)? Or is it unlikely any spots will open up. Thanks

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I have no idea about the testing location, but I wrote last year in Ottawa, and from my experience and talking to some friends who wrote at different locations in Ottawa, their computer monitors are equally flashy and annoying, and chairs equally squeaky and uncomfortable. However, I registered for the Aug 15th one last year and I did notice that as the testing date got closer, more spots opened up in August and July. In Ottawa, there was 2 more testing center which opened in april/ may, so if you wait, you might have more spots and centers opening in London. However, this is my experience with Ottawa centres, so I have no idea if this is also the case for your city.

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