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Best MCAT classes in Vancouver region?


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You hellbent on taking a class? I know TPR and Kaplan run **** but for $1600...I'd just get examkrackers or buy the TPR/Kaplan books of craigslist/ebay then buy the 7 AAMC exams + get an EK 101 passages book. I'm cheap though and an independent learner. But if you absolutely need the class 1600 is a drop in the ocean vs. your medical tuition LOL. Do some research online. You'll be unpleasantly surprised. Heck if you're good with torrents you can get everything you need *ahem*.

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Word on the street that The Princeton Review (TPR) > Kaplan in terms of materials. Your mileage may vary on the teachers. I don't want to pay 1600 for Joe Schmoe (whose only qualification is a good MCAT score) to recite their books to me. I think Craigslist/Kijiji made those courses obsolete. The added value was really in their course maaterials and if those can be had without taking the course... The **** you find on amazon is garbage apparently (standalone all in one prep books), except for EK.


Here's a breakdown of my research:


Physics 1. Berkely Review (hard to get these) 2. TPR Hyperlearning

Chemistry 1. Berkely Review (hard to get these) 2. TPR Hyperlearning

Biology 1. Examkrackers (basically a 20 dollar book with barebones information)

Verbal 1. EK 101 Passages (just practice your ass off)



The most important tool is the practice test bundle you can get from AAMC. It's 35 bucks per test (7 available, 1 free). They were decommissioned MCATs, the practice tests are computer based and notes your areas of weakness and scores you based on AAMC data. Very useful.


In the end it comes down to how you learn and how much you're willing to spend. I'd do a lot more research though. I have friends that took courses, some do well, some don't. The med students I know regret taking the course and just said books were the only valuable thing they offered.



I'm using EK + TPR. I find that TPR is throough and provides more details and is a bit more complex than what is needed based on the AAMCs. Examkrackers is to the point, short, and may lack detail. I hate their physics but love their biology/verbal coverage as indicated by my research. I'd get Berkeley review to try but those ******** can't seem to run a distribution business, and I'm worried that UPS might **** me up the *** on customs/duties. I think they're 50 USD per subject area but they're only really well known for chemistry and physics.


And again you can get all your stuff for free if you're good with computers LOL. Not that I endorse breaching copyright and intellectual property. I just craigslisted TPR ($100 for the entire course materials) and EK 30 bucks for their 101 book (essential!) and 115 for their complete series.


The best way to do well is to do well in those pre-req courses of the same subject (i.e. your basic bio course, your basic chem course, your basic physics/organic etc). Verbal is trickier...just remember to read for the main point and bias and all should fall into place...roughly.

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