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MMI Interview Style

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Do you get to write notes down on paper before entering?


Do you get a 1 minute warning bell (at 7 minutes)?


Nope, no notes. Get used to to thinking through your answers in your head.


And no warning, either. If the bell rings and you're in the middle of a sentence, I suggest you ask if you can complete your thought, wrap up your sentence/line of discussion very quickly, and then move on.

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Nope, no notes. Get used to to thinking through your answers in your head.


And no warning, either. If the bell rings and you're in the middle of a sentence, I suggest you ask if you can complete your thought, wrap up your sentence/line of discussion very quickly, and then move on.


Be careful though. After the bell, you have 2 minutes to wrap up, leave, walk to the next room, and read the next question. I remember if I wasnt done talking about a topic yet, I just stopped and went on to the next room. The interviewers understand that you only have 2 minutes to go to the next station and prepare for the next question.

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Very often, interviewers will abruptly cut you off once you've met the 8 minutes. I can remember at one station, being mid-closing-sentence, and the interviewer cut me off saying "nope, nope, I'm afraid that we're done here".


Usually though, just say goodbye, that you appreciate their time, and move on to the next station.

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