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TPR redo?


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any idea where I would contact if I was not satisfied with my MCAT scores and want my account re-opened?


Do they send you new books if you retake the course?


I also have a question on this topic, but it's weird.


I was thinking about taking TPR hyperlearning this summer and then taking the MCAT. Here's the twist though: I just might decide not take the MCAT before next summer though for various reasons.


So, that leaves me starting of next summer having taken TPR last summer, but not having taken the MCAT. Would they still allow me to retake the course and receive new materials for free? ...Or would they make me pay for the retake of the course and new materials?

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I retook with TPR,


sent an email to their Toronto office to indicate that I wanted to and they helped out, and yes I was sent new textbooks.


They were really helpful about it....


I do believe you need to have had near perfect attendance for the first course you took though.

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I believe you need to have had good attendance, have done 5 of the diagnostic tests on (or near) the dates you were supposed to do them .. but apart from that, yes - they do send you new materials :-) At least, that's what my friend who is re-taking told me :-)

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I retook with TPR,


sent an email to their Toronto office to indicate that I wanted to and they helped out, and yes I was sent new textbooks.


They were really helpful about it....


I do believe you need to have had near perfect attendance for the first course you took though.


Oh, so did you take it before, and then they let you retake it with new materials for free the second time?


Did they make you show them your MCAT score though (before you retook it), because I might want to retake it without writing the MCAT.

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Oh, so did you take it before, and then they let you retake it with new materials for free the second time?


Did they make you show them your MCAT score though (before you retook it), because I might want to retake it without writing the MCAT.


Nope, no pre-requisite score to retake.

You can say you're unhappy with a 44T if you want.....


They don't check up on it... or didn't in my case.

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