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Hello everyone,

I need some advice/suggestions for preparing for MCAT, I am going to write the test on June 18th ( 2 months to study), and I'm looking for the most comprehensive set of MCAT stuff to prepare myself. I have the option of using TPR books from 2005, Kaplan complete review from 2006, and Examkrackers+ Audio osmosis from 2009. I have a small baby too so I won't be able to dedicate long hours of studying and preparing. It will be mostly early mornings, late evenings+ whenever the baby naps..:))

Any suggestions? I want to get a solid yet not too much detailed coverage of MCAT information. Any feedback is much appreciated.

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A bit of advice... you have ample material to brush up on your background material. However, it is very important to understand that is not what MCAT tests to a great degree. It tests problem solving. To prepare for that you gotta incorporate practice in your study routine. Be it verbal passages or physics questions, you gotta practice...every day! You don't use it, you will lose it! :D

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One thing I wish I had done differently: get the EK 101 Verbal Passages. Verbal is usually most ppl's weak point.


I used all 3 of the resources you listed. Kaplan for reviewing sciences, TPR for writing sample & verbal practice, and osmosis while running everyday to make sure I wouldn't forget anything.


IMO, TPR has much better writing sample guidelines than Kaplan.

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Last year I tried TPR and Kaplan before moving to EK. I honestly found EK the easiest to read. It wasn't captivating but it sure kept my attention better than Kaplan and TPR. EK also has Salty the Kracker!


Yeah I totally agree though. The EK 101 VR was really helpful. I would say your best bet is to do a practice test from AAMC right off the bat. I think they have a free one online. Doing a "diagnostic" AAMC exam helped me focus on what I needed to (VR).

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TBR is best for PS review but thanks to our un-free trade the shipping is exorbitant. TPR is best for PS apparently, and writing. EK is best for biology and verbal (their 1001 bio book and 101 verbal book). TPR kicks ass for writing sample review.


Careful with EK on physics, they tend to be extremely weak in that I found. They can't articulate as well as TPR which makes me question the author's understanding. The good thing about EK is that they emphasize concepts, unfortunately not so much mechanics.


Get all 8 AAMC exams if you can afford it, I think that's probably one of the most important tools, no better practice than the real thing right ;). It'll also give you an accurate scaled score, and really compartmentalize your problem areas and suggest what to brush up on.

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Would it be sufficient if I just use one type of review book for the MCAT? I only have EK and I know it has its weaknesses too but I find purchasing more review books to be quite expensive. I have practice tests though which I know will be really helpful.


Also, is EK reliable for Organic Chemistry? I took Orgo a while back and I'm afraid I've forgotten all those reactions and what happens to a chemical after undergoing a reaction.

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You can survive on EK if the weaknesses don't bother you (if you remember stuff sufficiently). If you're a science whiz then EK is great since it'll only show you what you need to know and none of the fluff.


A TPR hyperlearning set will set you back about 100-200 so it does get pricey. Although, it'll be cheaper than multiple attempts or a bad score, you have to weight out tangible vs. intangible cost considerations. In the end it really depends how much you want to spend, I probably spent 500-600 in books (EK + 101/1001 series/TBR PS/TPR Hyperlearning - although I plan to sell the items to recuperate costs). I look at the costs and benefits, I consider a good MCAT mark priceless and the returns on a good score far outweigh a few hundred today, but that's my value judgement. The value of money is different from one person to another.


If I can only choose 1 set I would go with TPR, although the EK Biology and EK 101 Verbal are cheap enough as stand-alones and I would deem the EK 101 Verbal essential.


I kinda regret getting the EK box set because of the chem/physics coverage - I could have gotten away with just their bio book. I can't really comment on organic, from what I've seen it's incredibly condensed coverage, impressive in fact, but if you don't know your stuff...you'll feel like the book is giving you a lot of shallow information.


BTW, EK has a glaring weakness in genetics and biochemistry, download the AAMC topics list and compare to the EK books and wiki what is missing.

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Thanks for the tip, Octavius. I like the point you made about the cost of getting review books outweighing the cost of having to take the MCAT multiple times. I guess I can invest on a few other books apart from the EK ones, particularly the TPR Hyperlearning. :)

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NP. Remember, you can always resell the TPR materials since they're in limited circulation with particularly high demand. The EK not so sure about, 100 rate might get people to buy rather than spending 140 at amazon? Re-writing again is 225 USD as is so...lol. Anyway TPR is just a good complement to EK, it has the details to fill in the skeletal structure EK provides. And the physics is actually intelligible. TPR is more of hands on learning, EK takes it from theory. You can probably get a TPR set for 100-150.

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By guide I mean topic guide, not actually detail guide. Supplement the EK with details for sections you don't understand or sections that were neglected by EK (genetics). Make sure you get that science workbook, it has a few hundred passages of practice in there. EK is lacking in practice.

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