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Workload Question


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I am currently in 3rd year and have to pick my courses for 4th year. Do I need to take 60% 4th year courses in my 4th year OR is it a combination of 4th and 3rd year courses. So, in otherwords if I have to take 10 courses to have a full course load, 6/10 have to be in 4th year or can be combined 3rd and 4th year courses (latter seems more reasonable in my opinion because its difficult to get 6 4th year courses). Also, in my 3rd year I am doing a 4th year course and already have 60% 3rd year courses this year. So, could the 4th year course I am currently doing convert over to next year. This would mean that I would have to take one less 4th year course. Hope this isnt too confusing, but I truly appreaciate your help.

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I wouldn't worry too much about this for the US. Personally, I didn't see any requirements at the schools I applied to for a minimum number of senior-level credits. A balanced course selection and transcript is definitely an asset though -- probably best to avoid first year courses in your senior year :)

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