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Self-comparison trap


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Hey everyone,


Just wondering if anyone else is falling or has fallen into the self-comparison trap? LOL. Join me! I don't want to be the only one :P I kid of course. If you aren't doing this, then DON'T start!!


But it's rather difficult to just stay focused on what lies at hand when one knows that there is so much competition. I consider all of you to be real go-getters, who have tonnes of experience, are accomplished, and well-learned. Just thinking about all that makes me feel like I'm out of place. Like I should be pushing myself harder, and accomplishing so much more! I already strive to be the best that I can be, but there's always this nagging feeling that I should be doing something...better. If it's studying, I should be studying well, if it's reading, I should be reading well, if it's speaking, I should be communicating EFFECTIVELY. Oy...and that's why self-comparison is so discouraging. Just reading about the statistics, and seeing the people who made it in, and seeing the well-deserving people who did not, is all just...."phooey" for the lack of a better word.


I think I need blinders or something, or ear plugs lol, so that whenever I hear about other people telling me that they never studied for their MCATs and did superbly I can be immune to those nagging feelings of self-doubt.


I've also realised however, that no matter what happens, there will always always be someone who is better than I am. With 6 billion people I'd be hard-pressed NOT to see this :P But the point is, since there will always be someone better than me, I will just have to strive to be the best that I can be. One should focus on beating personal goals, rather than reach the goals of others. And one should focus on things that they can control! One cannot control the competition, but one certainly CAN control one's self, such as their study habits, the time they spend socialising, the time they waste procrastinating :P etc.


So fear not my fellow self-comparers, this too shall pass. Just focus on the task at hand and pretend that the whole crazy premed world D.N.E. (Does not exist :cool: )

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hey there. I know what your talking about. But remember you cant verify that we are all "real go-getters, who have tonnes of experience, are accomplished, and well-learned." Just like you cant verify if that person never studied or not. So if you cant verify it take it as a grain of salt. It could be BS as far as you know.


I remember from my organic class the class average was really low and I would ask people casually how they did and I could not find one person who did around class average (~65%). All were 80-85 range. I asked like 20 people maybe out of maybe 60. It just kinda seemed weird that nobody had a low grade. Surely SOME people did poorly. I find this in my other classes of premeds to nobody admits when they sucked.


Another time I over heard a guy saying he failed two midterms and then when I asked him apparently he was getting a B in the class. lol


Just remember some of it is fake...since you cant tell which is or isnt assume it all is becuase it doesnt matter if it is true anyways. You life needs to be lived not someone elses.

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lol I think if I knew about other ppl's stats and all in last summer, I don't think I would have done the plunge for this application cycle...... I was in lucky oblivion (most of my close friends are non-science, non-premed) and just went and did it....... yeah I definitely agree with OP's sentiment. Once you start the comparison, it just doesn't stop.

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