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Certain figure of GPA

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If somebody had a 3.80 OMSAS GPA at the start of 4th year apps for American Schools, is that an un-competitive figure to gain admission?


I tried to look up people who got into American Meds and their stats on the forum, I believe the lowest undergrad GPA I saw was 3.83, but this guy did his masters after that undergrad GPA to get into Wayne.


But I'm still unsure as to whether I'm correct in assuming that a 3.80 probably won't be competitive for admission. Help?

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What's your MCAT score?


Gonna write it soon, I'm gonna have to work twice as hard now to get a better score on it though as my predicted GPA is 3.80ish.


P.S. Aren't you a WayneMeds student a41? I guess you sort of have better insight as to what type of MCAT numbers would be needed for a high chance of admission with a 3.80ish? (To Wayne at least)


Yeah once your GPA is around 3.7 I'd worry about the MCAT more. No school is going to care if someone has a 3.83 versus a 3.9, but they will care if you have a 32 vs. a 35.


How do you know this stuff?


Like how do you know the cutoff for where there isn't much of a difference in numbers? Like 3.80 vs. 3.90 is no big deal, but 3.75 vs. 3.80 is a big deal?.. or something like that.


Same with MCAT, like there's a huge difference between 32 and 35, but no biggie between 35 and 39?

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Man, I read over that before posting. But I felt it wasn't that specific to my question. I mean, obviously 3.0 to 3.5 is a bigger difference than 3.5 to 4.0, but I'm talking about what type of MCAT and other stuff is needed with a 3.80 for a high chance of admission.


i'm in your position too, i have around a 3.75-3.8 (pending this term) and writing the MCAT in july... and i would love to find a concrete answer to this


as far as i can tell from this forum and SDN, around 3.7 gpa and then you need at the very least a 30Q on the MCAT


this is just considering what i've personally seen on this forum, so it's nothing to base your application by ;P

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A 3.5 is a bit low, but a 3.8 is fine.


American schools just do not care about GPA nearly as much as they do the MCAT. Especially if you're coming from a Canadian school that they've likely never heard of. If you don't believe me go search on MDApplicants.com. There is virtually no difference in average success once you go above a 3.8. At that point other factors come into play. A higher MCAT score however always improves chances of admission.

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A 3.5 is a bit low, but a 3.8 is fine.


American schools just do not care about GPA nearly as much as they do the MCAT. Especially if you're coming from a Canadian school that they've likely never heard of. If you don't believe me go search on MDApplicants.com. There is virtually no difference in average success once you go above a 3.8. At that point other factors come into play. A higher MCAT score however always improves chances of admission.


Token, you're so wise, haha.

For some reason your posts just emanate a sense of wisdom.

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A 3.5 is a bit low, but a 3.8 is fine.


American schools just do not care about GPA nearly as much as they do the MCAT. Especially if you're coming from a Canadian school that they've likely never heard of. If you don't believe me go search on MDApplicants.com. There is virtually no difference in average success once you go above a 3.8. At that point other factors come into play. A higher MCAT score however always improves chances of admission.




I assume that's Cdn grades converted to the US scale and, also, both science GPA and all other GPA should be in that range when calculated seperately?


Time to get an awesome MCAT score :)

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Token, you're so wise, haha.

For some reason your posts just emanate a sense of wisdom.

hahaha :D


halcyon yeah I think most people here's sGPAs are more like 3.9+ but if you're in the general region I'm sure it would be fine. Personally my undergrad already grades under an American style system so I don't know how the conversions work.


Also you might want to consider your "grade trend." It looks better if you started with 3.7s your first year up to 4.0s your third year than the other way around.

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3.8 OMSAS GPA? It could be higher on the AMCAS scale depending on which school you went to. For example, my GPA jumped 0.16 after going from OMSAS to AMCAS :eek:


In the states, anything above 3.6 for GPA and above 32 is considered quite competitive.


Really competitive is 3.8+ and 35+. So if you have above 3.6 on AMCAS, I would worry about demolishing the MCAT and making sure you have solid clinical experiences to put down on your application.

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If you supplement that with a great MCAT score and apply early I am sure you will have a great chance with that gpa.


how early is early for applying to the US? i'm writing the MCAT for the first time in early August... wont have the results in time, will that matter?

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that may be a bit late gooner... depending on your stats

i wrote it in early august and my results got delayed until the end of sept (damn you aamc!) so i wasn't complete at most schools til the end of oct.


with a 3.6/31P (balanced), I got 1 interview which I declined (Wayne state is too expensive for me).


i'll be applying again this year in early june and hopefully have more luck


unless you have particularly good stats (3.8+ gpa with loads of clinical exp and plan to get 35+ on the mcat), i'd avoid applying later than sept. It was a huge huge huge waste of money for me

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Who really knows? It's easy to say an applicant is theoretically "competitive", but this is all a fine balance of GPA, MCAT, extra-curriculars, work experience, clinical exposure, essay, reference letters, when you apply, where you apply, who reads your application, who interviews you, the degree of randomness inherent in the process, etc.

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