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TPR guarantee?


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Hey everyone,


I signed up to do the TPR course this summer (starts on Monday and ends in July). I am pretty dedicated to just this for the summer (i'm done undergrad, won't be working, etc) so hopefully the score will be good enough the first try! However, I have to miss 1 class because of a conference im going to (i'm starting my Msc in the fall but i've been with my lab for the last 2 years, so it's expected for me to go)..and was told that the guarantee offered with this course would not be available (that if my score is not what I want, you can take the class + review material again without cost).


Is this true!?! Has anyone been in this situation? I think its BS quite honestly--paying $1800 and because I miss 1 class (for a legit reason that was planned months in advance) I will not be entitled to one of the main selling points of taking a review class.


I guess i'm just wondering if this is one of those stickler things they always say at the beginning but make exceptions for later? I think missing 1 class in 2.5 months is overkill for losing their guarentee.



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Uhhh. they always try to find a way to void that guarantee on you. But technically, they should also be able to let you do make ups (at least Kaplan does), so I would find out if there are some other classes going on later (or earlier) that you could sit in on and get the attendance signed off...


(Alternatively, its the first class, so I would also suggest doing what I said without telling them what your name is, and if that fails, then like a month into the course complain saying that your attendance is wrong and you were actually present on the first class and don't understand why it says otherwise. It will just be your word against the teachers, and trust me, we don't care that much and probably don't remember... so you will most likely win (but make sure you can BS your argument by knowing what was covered in that class)

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Thanks for the commets.


Dan: I'm actually missing a class in June. I'm leaving on a Thursday and coming back on a Sunday--so i'm missing the thurs class. I have a friend in the class that I could find out what was missed, so maybe i'll do the argument thing, haha. I will have gone to every other class so..


Mike: I understand that from a corporate prespective, but I still think that's a BS excuse for the customer. The voided guarantee should be applied to people who simply skip classes and don't show up--not for those with legitmate excuses. Are you telling me if someone was ill and went to the hospital, they'd be all "TOO BAD!"?. Life happens and most students who take this class have a million other things to do--either they should not offer the guarentee or make sure they honour it without doing stupid underhanded things.


I guess the way out of this problem would be to nail the exam the first time =P.

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Thanks for the commets.


Dan: I'm actually missing a class in June. I'm leaving on a Thursday and coming back on a Sunday--so i'm missing the thurs class. I have a friend in the class that I could find out what was missed, so maybe i'll do the argument thing, haha. I will have gone to every other class so..


Mike: I understand that from a corporate prespective, but I still think that's a BS excuse for the customer. The voided guarantee should be applied to people who simply skip classes and don't show up--not for those with legitmate excuses. Are you telling me if someone was ill and went to the hospital, they'd be all "TOO BAD!"?. Life happens and most students who take this class have a million other things to do--either they should not offer the guarentee or make sure they honour it without doing stupid underhanded things.


I guess the way out of this problem would be to nail the exam the first time =P.


oh man! I never said it was fair. It's just the general thing I've noticed with "guarantee's" or "policies" be it my cell phone plan, gym membership, or even MCAT course. Someone is always bound to **** you over.


Honestly though, if you do bad the first time, you probably won't want to go to class the second time as you'll know the format of what and how you should be learning and will more than likely just do it yourself

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oh man! I never said it was fair. It's just the general thing I've noticed with "guarantee's" or "policies" be it my cell phone plan, gym membership, or even MCAT course. Someone is always bound to **** you over.


Honestly though, if you do bad the first time, you probably won't want to go to class the second time as you'll know the format of what and how you should be learning and will more than likely just do it yourself


So true, I guess I was naive to expect better!


And also right about the second point. I'm really only taking the class for the physical sciences--so i'd do it on my own next time.

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So true, I guess I was naive to expect better!


And also right about the second point. I'm really only taking the class for the physical sciences--so i'd do it on my own next time.


whoa, what a waste of money. I'll get you through MCAT physical sciences for 1/10th that payment

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Take this from a TPR teacher: You will never do worse on the MCAT than you did on the diagnostic. The diagnostic test is harder material-wise than the MCAT, you haven't even reviewed the basics for it yet, and you thoroughly lack the endurance to write a 4+ hour test. You will get a disastrous score which will have little bearing on your final score.

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You can definitely miss a class and still get the TPR gurantee.


Last year when I took it, I was out of the country for the first 1.5 weeks of class and I still got the guranatee for this year. I did, though, attend every class after I got back so maybe that played a factor in it!

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