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Verbal Strategy


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haha yeah, per passage.... :(

well, at least it's better than my first practice test... thought i was "the boss" at english and just went into it nice and cocky.... lets just say it's a good thing it was a practice test.


HAHA... yea i've learned to not underestimate this damn section... right after i posted my previous post, i DID get a 10, but then subsequently got 8, 9, and 8 today =( hope everyone writing on the 22nd is horrible at verbal! lol. when are you writing gooner?

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haha yah, cant wait to try a new practice test with my (getting better!) verbal skills.... im writing july 31st, wish it was earlier!


i think we just need to keep on trying more and more example passages, thats the only way to do it. i'm somewhat following TPR, but whenever i do VR i try to do 2-3 passages at a time and have a timer, gradually decreasing the time to the normal time it should take. hopefully it works...

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haha yah, cant wait to try a new practice test with my (getting better!) verbal skills.... im writing july 31st, wish it was earlier!


i think we just need to keep on trying more and more example passages, thats the only way to do it. i'm somewhat following TPR, but whenever i do VR i try to do 2-3 passages at a time and have a timer, gradually decreasing the time to the normal time it should take. hopefully it works...


in theory that should definitely work lol too bad it probably won't work over a span of 2 days :( you wish u were writing it earlier and i wish i was writing later... lets switch days :P

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I did the practice test online...got a 12 in verbal...

Am taking the PR course now...did their first practice test...got a 7?????

I am using their method...and did not finish the last few questions....

Do you think my first practice test grade was a fluke...or should I return to my old method or stick it out with the PR method and hope for results..

Someone mentioned that the first practice test with PR IS HARDER than most...is that true??

HELP HELP HELP...I am really stressed ....I need a great mcat mark with my grades..

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I did the practice test online...got a 12 in verbal...

Am taking the PR course now...did their first practice test...got a 7?????

I am using their method...and did not finish the last few questions....

Do you think my first practice test grade was a fluke...or should I return to my old method or stick it out with the PR method and hope for results..

Someone mentioned that the first practice test with PR IS HARDER than most...is that true??

HELP HELP HELP...I am really stressed ....I need a great mcat mark with my grades..


not sure when your test is but my first piece of advice is.....Relaaax. Be calm first and foremost. You need to focus on these things and stress ain't good.


Now, i have not even started VR practice so you should know that. But I think its clear that whatever you were doing worked very very well. I would stick with it. However, if you have lots of time, go ahead and experiement with PR and see what happens. If you are stressed for time, i would go with whats most comfortable and what gets you results.


I have heard negative things though about PR's strategies - way too time consuming. Might want to pick and choose. But honestly, try some tests doign whatever it is that you did when you got the 12. thats a killer mark.


gluck..........and sleep.......and eat..........and breathe.........all the time!

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I did the practice test online...got a 12 in verbal...

Am taking the PR course now...did their first practice test...got a 7?????

I am using their method...and did not finish the last few questions....

Do you think my first practice test grade was a fluke...or should I return to my old method or stick it out with the PR method and hope for results..

Someone mentioned that the first practice test with PR IS HARDER than most...is that true??

HELP HELP HELP...I am really stressed ....I need a great mcat mark with my grades..


No worries - this kind of trend is actually perfectly normal. As an VR instructor for TPR, we call it the "checkmark effect". :P (It happened to me, too - I started with an 11, went down to an 8, and then up to a 13.) Of course if you're using new strategies it's going to take some time to internalize - but overall you'll be more confident and generally more consistent. :)


And sv3 is right - not all PR strategies are going to help you. For example, we suggest the "6 psg rate" (so you CAN'T get all the Qs) - if you follow this, you'll most likely end up in the 10-ish range. Since you started out with a 12, you're going to HAVE to do all the psgs if you want to be in this range. With practice you'll come to realize what works for you and what doesn't. :) The most important strategies that TRP suggests and I would recommend are the active reading ones and the POE stuff. =) G'luck!

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