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Another "help me! I don't know where to apply" thread

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I didn't really want to jump on the band wagon (I can see how it can get annoying after a while) but I don't know nearly as much about the American system as I do the Canadian so I'm not really confident in my choices.


I applied this year as a 3rd year to Mac, Queen's, UofT and UofO, interviewed at Queen's and Mac and am now waitlisted at Mac.

MCAT is 33Q (11PS/10V/12BS)

3.9 OMSAS cGPA (will go up a bit because of marks from this year)

ECs: hospital volunteering, international volunteering, club execs, started a science out reach program, etc etc pretty typical stuff. I've volunteered in a lab for 1.5 years but never actually did a whole lot...


I'm looking to apply to Columbia, Dartmouth, Duke, Northwestern, Vanderbilt and Wayne State (I can live at home and save at least that much in cost... although commuting in the winter could be a *****)


I would definitely prefer a Canadian school over an American but after this year and having had a really good gauge of "the competition," so-to-speak, I really want to widen my horizon but at the same time I don't think I want to pay four times as much tuition to go to just any American school.


So my questions are: are those schools attainable? Should I completely disregard any (all?) of the above schools because I'd have no chance and therefore should save the $350 USD? Are there schools that I should really consider that's not there?

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Your GPA is excellent and you have clinical experience, which is important. Your MCAT is a on the lower end for the first five schools and that makes it harder but it is balanced and all above 10 which is sick. That being said, factors like timing or the PS can make up for deficiencies in the app.


APPLY EARLY! you are at an advantage that you have many of the materials started since you went through a CDN cycle. I suggest having the primary done no later than early July but June is better. As your app gets verified, compile your references and complete the secondaries. If you are complete in July-August, well then you are in good shape.


Draft a strong statement. your PS for U of T would be a great start.


References can be a turning point so make sure they are strong.


All of your schools accept Canadians which is important but even with great timing, realize that those IVY leagues are still reach schools. Look at the list of accepting and add more mid tier like Boston U, Rosalind Franklin, Einstein (maybe mid-top tier?). Other top tiers to consider are NYU, Emory, Cornell. those top schools you want also look for unique pursuits or research. Does that apply to you?



Attainable... yes but apply early, broaden your schools, hope for some lady luck


*I can only offer what I know and I am still quite new at this so take with a grain of salt!

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I'm sure Token can offer a little advice here regarding to the application process at Columbia and Vandy. Flamesfan is right, if you are considering Columbia, you might as well consider Cornell. Those two Co***** schools are basically the same in terms of status and share a lot of hospital resources together. The campuses are essentially minutes apart, no wonder they hate each other. BU is another story...Craiglist Killer anyone?!! :D

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Yeah I agree...also this has a lot to do with whether you have research or not.


Your list is a little bit top heavy. That said you'll probably get into a Canadian school (not getting in as a third year says absolutely nothing about your competitiveness) so I understand if you don't want to spend time on "safeties."


But still you have 4 top 20 schools, 1 other very competitive school and Wayne. The thing with the top tiers is that you really have to have something that sets you apart from everyone else. Your scores/GPA are fine, and your ECs are fine, but you'd really have to have an outstanding personal statement and references to catch the eye of someone at say, Duke. It's a crapshoot, but you'd increase your chances if you applied to more of them. Like silvermen said the person who reads your application at Columbia might hate it, but someone at Cornell might love it. And while you're applying to the big Cs, you might as well tack on NYU and AECOM so you can group your interviews together.


Personally I don't think it's worth it applying in the US unless you're wiling to go for ~10 schools (out of which you might get 4 interviews and 2 acceptances for e.g.)....flamesfans' suggestions for mid-tier schools are great.


edit: Also it's already gonna be way more than $350. More like 400 USD for AMCAS, then $600+ for secondaries, then however much it costs to get to each interview.

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Thanks for all the in put guys...


So I'm facing another issue. Money. I'm basically going to have to decide between apply to all the ontario schools + some american ones or apply to all the Canadian schools (UBC, UofA, UofC, Sask, UofM, Dalhousie, McGill + all the Ontario schools - Northern) I'm an Ontario resident so I'm not sure how I will stand at all the non-Ontario schools. Are my chances better there or in the States? (I'll likely be adding Cornell, Case Western and Einstein to my list... yes I know I'm adding more higher tier schools to my list... *sigh*)


I'll be doing my thesis project next year... does that count as "research"? :s


Also, how would a reference letter catch the ADCOM's eye? I've looked at the requirements for reference letters and a lot of them need faculty members to write letters... I know 1 maybe 2 faculty members who actually knows me so.... ?


ETA: ignorant question: Do the international matriculates at the US med schools consist mostly of Canadians? I mean where else would they usually get students considering some pretty specific academic admissions requirements?

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