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MCAT Re-write: 3rd time?


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Okay, so here is my story:


I have just finished my undergrad (life science) at UofT and starting a MSc. in the Fall at UofT. I have written the MCAT twice already (the past 2 summers) and have done poorly (19S and 21R). Both summers I took the TRP course, did all the questions, did all the practice AAMCS/TPR test (twice). I was averaging 9-10s in the sections, but PS was most challenging for me.


My GPA for the past two years has been 3.85, which I believe makes me eligible for various schools. I have over 3 years research experience, and plenty of volunteer/ECs. I am starting my Masters in September (2 years) and hope to reapply to med after, but until then I have to re-write the MCAT. I decided to take this summer "off" and just work and not do MCAT, and I'm thinking to do it during the year or next summer.


I feel that the MCAT is the last stumbling block, preventing me from applying. I feel really lost in how to tackle the test for the 3rd time, and I am worried to fail again. All of my friends seem to be succesful in doing well, so I don't know what's wrong with me. I need a new strategy/advice, and wondering if anyone has any advice/suggestions!



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seems like you have everything else except the MCAT down pat


i dont understand, if you were scoring consistent 9-10's in the sections on the practice ones, why such a difference in the real MCAT? the practice tests should give you a rough idea of how well you would do on the actual one, and some of the practice tests are easier/harder than the actual one... did you just 'freeze' in the real test situation? there had to be some x-factor!

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Hey metukah,


don't give up. The key is to focus focus and focus!! I know it's terribly hard to do, esp given that it's in the summer; when there are a whole bunch of other things going on, but if you can focus and be highly productive, then you can accomplish it! There are a lot of personal crises that also take place in one's life, but it's important to have tunnel vision and focus on the end result. Just remember that whatever it is that is preventing you from attaining your goals is horse-poop, and deserves none of your precious attention :P


Now I'm going to try to follow my own advice and make friends with physics :cool: Good luck! Don't give up, and FOCUS.

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seems like you have everything else except the MCAT down pat


i dont understand, if you were scoring consistent 9-10's in the sections on the practice ones, why such a difference in the real MCAT? the practice tests should give you a rough idea of how well you would do on the actual one, and some of the practice tests are easier/harder than the actual one... did you just 'freeze' in the real test situation? there had to be some x-factor!


It was not ALWAYS 9-10s, I was never consistently getting 10's in any section, except for BS maybe. It seems to be the application and on the spot thinking thats difficult for me. Both times I wrote it, I felt like all the studying didn't pay off. I dont know. Maybe I should use a different strategy like Exam Krackers? instead of TPR? but I can't see this making a big difference :(

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seems like you have everything else except the MCAT down pat


i dont understand, if you were scoring consistent 9-10's in the sections on the practice ones, why such a difference in the real MCAT? the practice tests should give you a rough idea of how well you would do on the actual one, and some of the practice tests are easier/harder than the actual one... did you just 'freeze' in the real test situation? there had to be some x-factor!


It was not ALWAYS 9-10s, I was never consistently getting 10's in any section, except for BS maybe. It seems to be the application and on the spot thinking thats difficult for me. Both times I wrote it, I felt like all the studying didn't pay off. I dont know. Maybe I should use a different strategy like Exam Krackers? instead of TPR? but I can't see this making a big difference :(

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I don't think EK will make a huge difference in comparison to TPR.


Whatever it is, seems like the 19-21 scores are not reflective of your effort and prep... seems to me that you might just be a bundle of nerves during the actual MCAT test period.


Just try to relax as much as possible, think with a clear head-even when there is a passage you have NO idea about, dont let it affect the rest of your test, take your time. The biggest thing is just to relax, there is always going to be a few passages and things you dont know, thats normal. Don't let it get to you!

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are you checking over all the answers after you write? i think it's really important to understand how u got the questions wrong. i mean, if you did all the physics questions and understand all the concepts, that should get u at least half the questions (free-standing)? The rest you just need to apply the general techniques from verbal/bio. i.e. going back to the passage for info to answer the question. i find there're only like.. 5 or so really tough questions, the rest are a matter of knowing your stuff and not doing something dumb (like wrong decimal places/mis-clicking) <-- i need to work on this. another thing is to REALLY focus, it helps a LOT. i wrote last summer and i don't think my head was in "MCAT mode" and wasn't really concentrating... so i got sub-30s on AAMCs prior to the actual and got a 28P. this time around, i'm getting 30+ consistently with only 4 days till my date and i only prepared less than 3 weeks as opposed to the entire summer. So... just 1. get all the free-standing questions right by knowing the concepts 2. learn the general techniques for answering passage based stuff 3. FOCUS when writing 4. concentrate when your studying. hope that helps! :P

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