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Anyone from mac health sci?

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Hey guys,


I am entering mac health sci this september. This may be too early to think about this but I am considering going to american med school as a future option. I noticed there were some requirements, which seemed hard for health sci students to complete.


Just for people, who were not in health sci, but willing to help me, here's the link of courses BHSc students must/can take.



if i get to specialize in bio med,



For example, Hopkins requires one year of calc, one year of physics and 24 semester hours of humanties (i guess its about 4 credits?). How did you fit in all those courses in?

Also, Harvard requires two years of chemistry and expository writing. I found it hard to fit all the courses into my curriculum unless I take second year courses in the third year (which, I believe, UofT and many schools don't like) or specialize in Biomed.

Lastly, most schools require one year of bio with LAB experiences. However, biology offered in mac health sci doesn't seem to include labs. How did you guys manage to fulfill the requirement?


In short, how did you guys fit in all the requirements into your timetable? Would you guys mind sharing your timetable, if you don't mind?


Thanks guys in advance!


p.s. the reason why I am doing is not that I can get into those medical schools for sure, but I just want to be prepared for those in advance.

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You could easily squeeze in a lot of those electives during the year. A lot of my friends are taking the second chemistry full year courses during the summer school. Spread out your schedule so that you finish your pre-req courses throughout the first three years. The second year is the hardest (from what I've hard) so you probably wouldn't want to take the second half of math or physics.


Also under BCPM courses, anatomy is included under Biology. So the mandatory second year anatomy courses (which have labs) may be used (for the States).

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But, would it be okay to take a first year course in the third year? From what I heard, UofT and some universities don't like that..


So my plan was to take

first year- (1/2 calc, 1/2 physics, japanese) or (1 calc, 1/2 physics)

second year - (calc, physics and something else)


and i guess you are saying this is not a good plan..


So for the first year, which one would be the best plan?

Also would it be smart to specialize in biomed (where i dont get chances to take anatomy), if possible?

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