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Currency Conversion and LOC's

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LOL...Well, I can only take 50 000 out of my line of credit per year, so I'm looking to lock the exchange rate for the other years as well, without actually depositing the funds.


...is this even possible...? ...


I think it's the whole concept of locking interest rates, with giving mortgages for sub-prime falling under the same category pretty much, is what contributed to the recession in the first place... if I heard a bank is still doing this, and then getting tax payer money for a bail out i will probably go kick them in the balls.

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I'm thinking the same thing Dayne. I am debating between either converting one year's worth of tuition or converting about 30K now and then waiting another week or so to see if the rate goes up or down and converting the rest then.

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It's just so volatile right now. Initially, I was pretty optimistic that it could keep increasing, but right now I don't know. It could actually decrease with the price of energy stocks dropping, the bad job reports, and the deficit. I really don't know. :confused:

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Here's an article on Bloomberg that speculates on the outlook of the Canadian dollar:




It's saying that it's likely to fall to $0.80 US by the end of the year. Just three weeks ago, the TD Chief Economist predicted that it would reach parity....it's all just so unstable and unpredictable.

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