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TPR Diagnostic tests


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Hey all,


Just wondering: for those of you who have taken the TPR course, I know you have to do diagnostics, one in the first week of classes, one two weeks after...


How did you all do with these practice MCAT diagnostics if you don't mind me asking? Avg scores?


I just did my first 2, and although I'm scoring reasonably well with practice passages and such, its not transferring over to the actual one! I know, we have only covered ~1/3 of the course and all.... but still!

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Yeah, everbody does poorly on the first practice tests.


To be honest, I really don't know why TPR forces students to write tests so early on. I only started practice tests in mid-July (wrote end of August).


I shouldn't be speculating like this, but maybe low scores on the first practice tests helps TPR maintain their special guarantee of score improvement...?

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Yeah, everbody does poorly on the first practice tests.


To be honest, I really don't know why TPR forces students to write tests so early on. I only started practice tests in mid-July (wrote end of August).


I shouldn't be speculating like this, but maybe low scores on the first practice tests helps TPR maintain their special guarantee of score improvement...?


actually as long as you do everything asked from TPR in regards to homework and coming to all their classes. you can use the guarantee if you aren't satisfied with whatever your score is, and take the courses again the following year. you would eventually miss one class or more the following year, and this is where the guarantee will no longer be valid.


and yeah everyone does poorly on the first few tests. the AAMC ones seemed to be easier than the TPR diagnostic ones.

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yeah, i figured it was slightly harder since if you have not taken the mcat previously, they use your first diagnostic as a "measuring" stick to observe improvement.....


honestly though, if anyone does worse on the actual thing than the first diagnostic..............lets just leave it at that

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