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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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It's all about you, I guess.


No. :) Nor is it about you. :P


May those ill, get better soon.


Find your dream. Go for it.


Love a broad not living abroad.


Hidden intelligence without action - a waste.


Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down thine hair!


The blind often have greater vision.

He who refuses to see is blind.


Beauty is in eyes of beholder.

Perception of facts is our reality.


Immortality lasts until it finally ceases.

Infinity is just beyond the finite.

Infinity will be out of reach.


Even the unobtainable is within reach.

Only your imagination can limit you.

Not to dream, not to achieve.

Dare to dream, you will succeed.

A strong work ethic pays dividends.

The first step is always hardest.


Creativity comes from a fertile mind.


Go to work and experience life.

Education without experience = apple pie unbaked.


Having the ingredients - only a part,

need to know what to do.


Is imagination better than real thing? :confused:


Should've, could've - live with no regrets!


Better to err than not try.


The big bang theory keeps changing.


Friendship - lovers - fight - breakup - all gone.


Chemistry required for relationships and MCAT.


Tried really hard. Will keep trying.

Strive for excellence regardless of outcome.


You big fish in small pond?

Or small fish in big pond?

I'm not a fish - don't swim.


And may you achieve success too!


Let's enjoy an air balloon ride.


And hope it lands somewhere safe.


The view will be absolutely spectacular

provided we do it during daytime.


Climbing above the Rockies is awesome.

Landing in Banff, what a dream!


Affection, procreation, then what is next? :confused:


How come I enjoy this thread?

It's not because I created it.


Guess whose birthday it is Saturday?

I'm not at liberty to tell.


Do they live happily or sadly?

If sadly, can they improve life?

I would like to help them,

but don't know who they are.


Would you ever risk your life?

Would you enter a burning home?

To save children? Or the elderly?

Or would you simply call 911?

Ordinary people often do heroic deeds!

Without thinking they react to situations.


Do you like pushing the boundaries?


Those with tents have tense moments.


Home is anywhere you feel comfortable.


Man on the Moon. Again perhaps.


Love dogs and cats. Unconditional love.


Lehman Brothers. Greece. History repeats itself.


Pregnant with ideas. Action. Success follows.


We are up and running again!

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It is your connection and theirs! :P


Beautiful day to relax and enjoy.


Don't share with others. Thefts increase.

Are we responsible for one another?

What is the role of society?

What is our role in society?


Repressive regimes - no democracy - revolution follows.

Liberty, freedom, expression - necessary as air.

Repression eventually leads > failure of system.

Soviet Union. Eastern Europe. Egypt. Libya.


Planet of the apes. Ever happen?

Will mankind destroy ourselves? Nuclear miscalculation?

Terrorism. Dirty bomb. Will it happen?

Truth: Not everybody shares our values.

Syria: extreme example of ongoing inhumanity.

The world watches but won't intervene.

Libya has oil - make a difference?


Greece: willing to pay the price?

Or bring down the Euro too?

Day of reckoning has literally arrived!

The world has been held hostage.


Banks risk for profit. Won't loan.

Banks charge too much. Ex-customers tansfer.

They are voting with their money,

causing banks to rethink in self-interest.

Occurring in USA. Spread to Canada?

Consumers - organized - have lots of power.


Pebble thrown in lake > ripple effect.

Everything we do has ripple effect.

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