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work activities/EC's

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hello all,


I had a quick question about research based EC's. I've been working as a research technician for a year and half now, but in 3 diff labs on 3 completely different projects. My question is do i put my research experience under one heading, or do i make 3 different entries for each laboratory project. All of my lab work was around molecular genetics, but they each involved different techniques and protocols, im not sure if i should distinguish what each project entailed, or just lump it all together under one research experience entry. Also, i was able to start my research work when i got an extension from a 4th year research project i was working on. My supervisor was happy with my work and progress and hired me for the summer to continue working on it, should i emphasize on this point or does it not matter? thanks in advance.

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if you feel each one taught you something significant and different (especially clinically) then list them separately.. but i would probably lump them together. and you summer employment as a research student is very valuable.


i personally lumped all my non-M.Sc. research together.. which included volunteering, one summer, research project, and another summer.. including a student fellowship. But then had another section for research activities including all posters, presentations, and science-ECs

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