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Non-Life Sciences Undergrad


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Hola Future Docs. Just a quick question:


Concerning my undergrad. I know that you don't HAVE TO take hard core science courses to be able to write the MCAT and get into Med. School.

So for someone like that, what are the minimum science courses that one needs to take to be able to stand a chance on the MCAT?

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You don't need any of those courses for the MCAT. You can honestly just pick up the various MCAT study guides and prepare for it that way. I found university-level physics went wayyy beyond what you'll need to know for the MCAT.


Of course, though, most med schools have pre-reqs for Physics, Chem, Orgo Chem, and Biology anyways so...

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Organic Chem is a 2nd year course. The pre-req for Organic Chem is General Chem.


If you do all the 1st year courses then you'll probably have a pretty good understanding. I'd still pick up some MCAT prep books though since they're usually more concise on what exactly will be on the MCAT.

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Thanks for the replies!


And one more question. Are first-year classes of all those courses enough?


First year classes will be enough (bio, chem, english, physics), at least it was for me. I recommend picking up some extra reading on organic chem though. Important thing is being able to reason through the entire mcat.

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First year classes will do... I'd say the MCAT prep books are invaluable - Kaplan, although pricey, is the best. Also, the AAMC website has a list of exactly what topics could potentially be on the exam. I literally went through that list and checked them off one by one after reviewing them. The Kaplan book makes it easy b/c it seems to be organized pretty well according to that list.



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