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July 17 experimental


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Hello fellow MCAT sufferers!!


I have recently realizd that there are some experimental passages on the MCAT that do NOT count. So I was thinking that if the MCAT is to be a fair test, then all administrations must test you on the same proportion of say biology to orgo right? Now the July 17 test had disproportionately more orgo than other administrations and pretty hard orgo too!!! sooo, this maybe one of those passages was experimental:cool: ? Maybe Im just trying to console myself and making myself to hopeful....but o GODD ALMIGHTY...I so wish that the entantiomer passage with the wierd math was the experiemntal one!!!!!!

I guess Ill have an indication of the possible answer on tuesday, but if anybody wants to read up more about this experimental pasage theory, check these out:





Anyways, Im done for now...

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Are you 100% sure about that pebz? Because I was reading the MCAT Essentials guide (2009 version) and it says, on page 4:


"Please note that each multiple-choice section will include some experimental items that do not count toward your score."


I definitely had my hopes on some experimental questions, so, this gets my hopes too!!

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