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Early interview conditions

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Correct. There is no way for a NB applicant to study at the Halifax campus and no other applicants can study at the NB campus. Anyone can do their interview at other campuses though (this year). I believe next year, it will likely be that the interviews in Saint John will only be for NBers but I don't have all the details on that at this time. I do know that in future years they will be happening on the same date so there won't be an earlier and later one next year.

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One more question:

Let's say I don't get an interview for the early date, will my file be thrown out or I will be considered for the late interview as well?

If many people apply for the early interview and if the files are thrown out then I will have a better chance if I apply later since there will be less applicants to compete with compared to last year.


BTW i'm OOP as well

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One more question:

Let's say I don't get an interview for the early date, will my file be thrown out or I will be considered for the late interview as well?

If many people apply for the early interview and if the files are thrown out then I will have a better chance if I apply later since there will be less applicants to compete with compared to last year.


BTW i'm OOP as well


That's actually a good question. From what I've seen in recent years, there isn't necessarily a set number of people they interview from OOP. Like, they don't take the top 50 or whatever, and then that's it. I think that you would be held to the same standard for the first round as you would in the second (like, the same cutoffs and whatever), so if you were rejected first time around, you would likely have been rejected for the late interviews as well.... but keep in mind this is pure speculation on my part.


As far as we know, it's may only be NB people who are invited to the early interview, so you don't have anything to worry about in the first place. For your question though, I'd expect that you would be held to the same standard as the later interviewees.

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One more question:

Let's say I don't get an interview for the early date, will my file be thrown out or I will be considered for the late interview as well?

If many people apply for the early interview and if the files are thrown out then I will have a better chance if I apply later since there will be less applicants to compete with compared to last year.


BTW i'm OOP as well


You are only considered for the interview that you apply to. If you apply to early interviews, and are not chosen, you application will not be considered for the later one.



Dal does not set a limit to how many people are selected for interview. If there are 10 times more applicants this year, there will be 10 times more people who get interviews. You stand the same chance regardless.

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I'd like to clarify. There are only a certain number of applicants that can be interviewed in New Brunswick. It is not restricted to a particular pool of applicants. They do only take a select few OOP applicants per year around 50 to be interviewed that likely won't change this year despite the 2 interview sessions.


If you have requested to be interviewed early and your application is reviewed and determined to be "Not Competitive" then you will be rejected and will not have a chance to interview at either time. You'll have to reapply, if they simply run out of interview space in the early interview but your application was NOT reviewed for this interview time (due to the limited space) they will likely notify you that they cannot interview you in NB but that your application will still be considered for the later interview.


So just to clarify again, there is a limited number of interview spots for the early interview once they are gone if there are competitive files or files not yet reviewed they will be considered for/ interviewed in the later interview time.


This is the only year where there will be an early and a late interview, we've never had it before and it likely won't happen again in the future.

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I have seen some comments on this issue but I'm wondering if anyone has verified for certain with the admissions office whether NB residents (who have to go to the Saint John campus for school) are eligible to interview in Halifax in Feb.


The reason I ask is because I just read an older newspaper article which quoted the associate dean as saying that to be considered for the Saint John program(ie NB applicants) applications had to be in by October 14th. If this is the case then any NB residents who did not submit their applications early are out of luck. This is not the impression I had from reading the admissions website and I hope it's not the case.



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What if you get an early interview but realize the dates might not work out for you? Any chance you could get your interview pushed to the other stream?


Just curious..


What would you have to do that was more important than an interview that could possibly determine your carreer and the rest of your life? I think this should be on the top of your priorities.


I doubt that you'd be able to change it.

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I don't know the answer to this, but I would assume that the answer is likely no. They only have a select number of interview spaces in NB and they won't appreciate leaving a space empty because you couldn't organize your schedule properly. If you already know about a conflict and have selected that you want to be interviewed early then I would suggest that you contact the admissions office and ask to be considered only for the later interview before they actually send out interview notifications.

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What would you have to do that was more important than an interview that could possibly determine your carreer and the rest of your life? I think this should be on the top of your priorities.


I definitely agree that the interview is important. But depending on one's values and priorities in life, it might not take precedence over, I don't know, a sibling's marriage, or a funeral, or something.


I was just looking to see if the option to pursue both the interview and a potentially conflicting commitment exists, maybe by shifting things around if possible. I don't see anything wrong with that.


I doubt that you'd be able to change it.
I don't know the answer to this, but I would assume that the answer is likely no. They only have a select number of interview spaces in NB and they won't appreciate leaving a space empty because you couldn't organize your schedule properly. If you already know about a conflict and have selected that you want to be interviewed early then I would suggest that you contact the admissions office and ask to be considered only for the later interview before they actually send out interview notifications.


Cool, thanks guys.

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