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Kaplan Higher Score Guarantee...ugh!


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So I wrote my MCAT and did better than my diagnostic but will still be re-writing due to a poor physical sciences section. I did fine in everything else. Now, here comes the real blow.


I emailed them asking to re-take the course, or at least have my online access reinstated. They said sure, but only if I plan on taking the MCAT for the January/February or April/May sittings. What kind of full-time student that wants to go into med actually has time to study for and take the MCAT during the winter semester, or worse, during exams? No wonder Kaplan offers these higher score guarantees...who actually takes them up on the offer?


This is a warning: do not go with Kaplan if there may be a chance you will want to re-take and require any resources.


My friend took Princeton and did better on his actual MCAT than his diagnostic. He called Princeton up a year after he took his MCAT during the summer and they delivered him new books and gave him online access free of charge. Now THAT is a higher score guarantee.




Sorry for the rant. But take it as a warning. Did anyone else go through this? Has anyone studied with Kaplan and re-taken the course or got their online access back?

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Depending on how much you need to raise your score, you could have the time to review mcat stuff during the semester. You are after all simply reviewing and brushing up on concepts that were weak, and not learning everything again. Maybe all it will entail is reducing an EC commitment, or accepting an A instead of an A+.

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Thanks for replying. That is probably true. But I really really don't have the time. I would prefer to write in June or early July but now this is not a possibility. Realistically, it would not be costing them anything to give me online access for May and June. There is no reason to have the added burden of writing the MCAT during the school year.

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I took the Kaplan class in the summer of 08 and didn't like my score. They allowed me to re take the class with no extra charge the following summer 09. I ended up doing way better the second time because I used the access Kaplan gives you to the AAMC tests and I think the test practice was what I was missing the first time around. Kaplan was great about it and I had no problem. Where I think they are lacking is in the calibre of their teachers. I had brutal teachers each time but then again all they require to teach is a high MCAT score so most of the teachers have no ability to teach but that is just my opinion.

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Call Kaplan back, on a different day; they'll talk to you differently. I had the same response from them, but I called a few days later, and I asked them, "what's the latest date I can retake the Kaplan course?" This time, I got a straight answer and everything worked out :D


(edit): e-mailing them won't get you anywhere. Call them (even if it's long distance, they'll cut to the chase).

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  • 2 weeks later...
I took the Kaplan class in the summer of 08 and didn't like my score. They allowed me to re take the class with no extra charge the following summer 09. I ended up doing way better the second time because I used the access Kaplan gives you to the AAMC tests and I think the test practice was what I was missing the first time around. Kaplan was great about it and I had no problem.

I 2nd this, I did basically the same thing and I had no trouble at all with Kaplan. I even changed from being in a classroom setting in summer of 08 to just using online access winter semester of 09, and wrote the MCAT again in the summer of 09. Kaplan is a tool, learn to use it.

Where I think they are lacking is in the calibre of their teachers. I had brutal teachers each time but then again all they require to teach is a high MCAT score so most of the teachers have no ability to teach but that is just my opinion.

yeah, that's why public schools and private schools all suck, the teachers are bad, they serve bad food at lunches and those bells between classes they annoy the heck out of me, blah blah whine whine

kaplan is just a tool, like a hammer,

ever hit yourself on the head with a hammer? it hurts, but it's not the hammers fault. study harder, the MCAT doesnt have hard material on it, it's all just basic crap, I can teach you ancient philosophy in 2 hours. You just got to find a way to relate to the material.

or just give up and go to dental school.

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