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Withdrawing - What would you do?


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I'm having a tough time making a decision for an upcoming interview and I was thinking you guys might have some insight. I'm in the extremely fortunate position of already having an acceptance at Case Western in Cleveland. It's an acceptance that I'm more than happy with. It's a great school that I could definitely see myself going to for the next four years.


However, I have an interview booked at Boston U on Monday. I can cancel my flight and get about half my money back on the flight and get a full refund on the hotel. On one hand, I'm tempted to withdraw - I will save myself $$, save myself missed time in a BIG week at work coming up and get to study for a continuing ed English exam the next day. On the other hand, Boston U seems to be in the same "tier" as Case Western, it is in a great city, and I might absolutely fall in love with it - I'm essentially worried that I might regret deciding not to go later in the application season. I'm going to decide either way by the end of the day, but I'm having a tough time making up my mind.


What would you guys do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Do some intensive research on both schools: Does one program focus better on your needs and aspirations than the other? Do the curriculum and teaching style cater to your type of learning (ie problem based vs. theory only). Is the teaching hospital good? Do they have clubs and societies that you would be interested in joining?


The cities themselves: Is the school's neighbourhood safe? Does it have effective public transportation if you are not on campus and don't have a car? Does each city have things that interest you (I'm sure Cleveland won't)?


Tuition and expenses: Is tuition at one much larger compared to the other? What is the difference in housing costs?


If you see more positive things for Case, then might as well save yourself the money and hassle for going to Boston. If you could see Boston being a better fit, by all means you should go for the interview, check out the campus and the area.

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+1 to what keith said.


In addition, because BU and Case are pretty similar in terms of tier, you should definitely go to the BU interview. You'll be living there for 4 years (or even more!), so if the schools are on similar tiers, location is something I would personally feel is incredibly important (ie. Boston is ridiculously nice). I know you have a big week in terms of work, but you already have lots of interview experience, and you pretty much only have to prepare for why BU type stuff.

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As you said, " - I'm essentially worried that I might regret deciding not to go later in the application season."


I think, you answered the question for yourself...you may go through the next few years..wondering should I have gone to Boston?...If I was in your position, and I was thinking, am I going to regret this...then I would go .


At the end of the day, it is only dollars..and yes lots..but if you go, and if you decide against it...then you will know you made that decision not because of lost opportunity.


Are you applying to Canadian schools too....and if the US is a backup...then I would make a list of what schools in Canada you would like to attend, chances of you getting in...etc...maybe then, you can decide against going, if the US is only for a backup plan..and it is unlikely that you will attend either Boston or Case..


Just my inexperienced thoughts on this matter..

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