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Early interviews are done

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They were similar to last year. Without commenting in depth because of the confidentiality agreement, I'll say that I hate the SP ones. I find that those ones put you in a position of authority, when you're in the mindset of being subordinate to your interviewer. I just don't feel like I'm acting like I would be as a doc, because I'm trying to be a 'good interviewee' (subordinate to interviewer) and a 'good doc' (authoritative figure) at the same time.

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Subordinate might not be the right term, but I don't feel like I should be leading the interview as the interviewee. In an SP station (simulated patient), the opposite is true. It's just a quick change of mentality/change of pace from one station to the next, and that's why I'm not a big fan.

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I think you're overthinking this. Each station is just a conversation, not a situation where one person is "subordinate" to another, even if you are the one being evaluated. The SP station is, of course, a different situation.


Yeah, you've summed it up better than I could. The SP is just a change of pace, and I'd go into it more, but like, I said, confidentiality, lol.


How did others find it?

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The SP station was a little awkward. It's hard to play your role when you know you're being evaluated by someone whose less than 2 feet away.



side note/ embarassing story:

I went into one of the discussion ones thinking that it was an SP, and got into the role right away. The lady gave me a funny look, which I thought was part of her role, and then 30 seconds later, she tells me I was doing something wrong. Had a good laugh.

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  • 1 month later...


side note/ embarassing story:

I went into one of the discussion ones thinking that it was an SP, and got into the role right away. The lady gave me a funny look, which I thought was part of her role, and then 30 seconds later, she tells me I was doing something wrong. Had a good laugh.


I did the exact same thing! It was moderately awkward but the session went well.

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It's been a month and a half and I'm still thinking of things I should have said or done! This MMI format is very hard to get a read on how you did, even if most interviewers smiled and seemed interested, you never know how they ranked you. But I guess that's all part of this interview process, learning from the experience, being confident in how you did, and becoming a nervous wreck until mid March. haha

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  • 1 month later...

It was a great ol' time. Thanks again to all the Med 1's and 2's that helped out. As well good luck to my fellow applicants. As for the interviews I personally felt it like it a well organized weekend and I felt personally that the interviews went very well except one particular interview was quite hard to read. I'm a second time interviewer and found this round far easier than the previous, it's nice to have a semi-idea what your walking into. Best of luck everyone.

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It was a great ol' time. Thanks again to all the Med 1's and 2's that helped out. As well good luck to my fellow applicants. As for the interviews I personally felt it like it a well organized weekend and I felt personally that the interviews went very well except one particular interview was quite hard to read. I'm a second time interviewer and found this round far easier than the previous, it's nice to have a semi-idea what your walking into. Best of luck everyone.


I too interviewed last year, and thought this year was far easier. Was it just being familiar with the format? I don't know.

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