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Admissions and GPA... Wow I'm Lost!

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Well hello there! First post on the forums, although I have been a long-time lingerer. Please stay with me as I try to describe my beyond-confusing situation.


I am currently in my second year of sciences at the University of New Brunswick. The first year I only managed to pull off a 1.9, for reasons that I will not discuss. Regardless, I am retaking all of the classes this year while only adding two new courses.Things are good and by he look of things I should pull off a semester GPA of over 4.0 (I'm on the 4.3 scale), ultimately bringing my GPA to a 2.6. By the end of the year I hope to have this up to a 3.1. Although UNB will display both of my grades, both marks will be factored into my GPA.

In the spring I will be applying to Dalhousie. Aftering discussing my situation with Dalhousie, I will start a fresh GPA at Dal and only receive a "TR" on their transcript for courses that I took at UNB. I plan to be at Dalhousie for 3 years, totalling my undergraduate years to 5.

Now here is my question. Say, for example, I apply to Dalhousie's medicine program in the fall of my fifth year (I will have 4 full years completed; 2 at UNB, 2 at Dal). How will they calculate my GPA? What years will they factor into my GPA calculation?


Thanks a lot!

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Hey Neuro,


Based on your description, it seems as though your first year won't impact your ability to attend Dal for meds. The way the GPA calculation works for Dalhousie is they look at your best two consecutive years if you're applying prior to graduation, or they look at your best three years OVERALL if you're applying after graduation. While your first year's grades will be considered at many other schools in the country, I don't expect they'll be used in your aGPA for Dal, even though you will still be expected to submit your UNB transcripts when it comes time to apply.


Hopefully this clarifies things. Feel free to as any followup questions.


BTW, I've got a hunch we might know each other IRL. Are you in engineering by chance?

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I'm acually in Sciences... I studied in Saint John last year and transferred to Fredericton this year. My GPA last year was terrible as I found it difficult to study, work, and deal with my family all at once. In Fredericton I get the chance to live on my own and volunteer while not having to work 40+ hours/week.


In regards to the question, I appreciate your clarification. I guess the part that confuses me is the fact that I will take 5 years to obtain my degree. Because I haven't graduated, I understand that Dalhousie will look at your previous 2 years; however, I always believed that this was because 3 years worth of marks were not available. If I apply in the fall of my fifth year I will have four years completed, as would a typical graduate student. Will they still only take my last two consecutive years, or will they take the last three consecutive years, because they are available. Then the situation of upgrading comes in as the third year that they would consider consisted of primarily retakes, and I don't know how this would work. I've been trying to contact Dalhousie but all I get are the same general responses.

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They never look for 3 consecutive years. If you have NOT graduated yet they will look at your last 2 consecutive years, if you have they look at BEST 3 years (they don't have to be consecutive or last) and in that case if your last 2 consecutive years yield a higher GPA than your best 3 years they will take the last 2. They take whatever works best in your favour within the guidelines that they have posted. If you have not graduated yet and are doing a 5th year I think they will look at just the last 2 years but I don't know that for sure.


I hope this helps!

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