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Is this possible?


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I'm taking mostly pre-req courses in the upcoming semester:


Physics II

General Chem II

Human physiology II

An independent study


Per week I planned:

Class hours: ~18 hours

Work/research hours: ~15 hours

Shadowing/Volunteering: ~6 hours

Total study hours: ~20 hours

MCAT hours: ~28 hours


Grand total: 87 hours a week


Leaving me with 25 hours left in the week (I subtracted my 8 hours of sleep)...I know that isn't much to do everything else..but i'm hoping I can suck it up for 4 months! I also estimated above for school and work, so hopefully my actual "work" hours will per week rather than more.


Specifically, I worked my schedule out to be the following:


With Monday, Wed, Friday normally being:

class: 6 hours a day (includes volunteering on some days)

Study: 3 hours

MCAT: 2 hours


Tuesday, Thursday:

Work/Research: ~8 hours <-- hoping I can sneak in time to study while at work! Not sure yet

MCAT: 4 hours

Study: 2 hours


*My work isn't for sure 15 hours every week either, it changes from week to week, and sometimes I could have 0 hours*


Saturday, Sunday:

MCAT: 7 hours -- Probably going to take FL on Saturday and review in Sunday

Study: 3 hours



Seeing as how I will be studying for school material that is mostly stuff related to MCAT material, I was hoping it would add to my studying, instead of deterring me from it. So I guess my over-arching question is, do you think it is feasible to write the MCAT May 1st?


Do you see any glaring mistakes or oversights in my schedule?


One more question: Do you recommend just reading the material, or actually taking notes while reading as well?


Any comments, questions, concerns....? All are welcome! :)



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My work is a research position, and is the only research I have so far...so if I stop that, then i won't have any research on my application (which I've been told-or actually read- will put me at a disadvantage).


But it's pretty much collecting data, so i'm hoping that in the 9 hours shift, between participants, I can squeeze in time to study because it is in a medical clinic.


In terms of classes and study time, I overestimated those two numbers, but I want to (at least try) study for 28 hours/week for MCAT. I normally don't find myself studying for more than 15 hours a week, and instead I put 20, just in case.


Bottom line: that schedule is like worst-case scenario! Hopefully I would have at least 5 more hours each week to myself.

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It seems like you are taking an awful lot on... Its great if you can pull it off and still stay sane, but it seems like you might be heading down the road to burning out.


I'm not sure how old you are, or what stage in your education you are at, but if you are presently taking general chem, I would assume that organic is yet to come? This would mean you are in your second year of the three years it takes most of us to do our prerequisites?


IF so, I would really suggest you consider slowing down a bit. Re-schedule the MCAT for a time you won't be taking a full undergrad load, or wait until your research position is done. Believe me, I can understand the "get-er-done" attitude, as all of us just want to get in and on with our medical education! But seriously, if you want to enjoy life and stay healthy I would recommend taking it easier than what you have planned.


As another point, I don't know about you, but after doing a whole day of school, working in the lab for a few hours, and studying coursework for a bunch more time, the effort, energy, and mindpower I would be able to put into the MCAT material would be next to nothing. So I (if it were me, knowing my own limits) would question the value of even dedicating this time.


Just my humble opinion... I hope it helps...


Good luck with your studies!

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It seems like you are taking an awful lot on... Its great if you can pull it off and still stay sane, but it seems like you might be heading down the road to burning out.


I'm not sure how old you are, or what stage in your education you are at, but if you are presently taking general chem, I would assume that organic is yet to come? This would mean you are in your second year of the three years it takes most of us to do our prerequisites?


IF so, I would really suggest you consider slowing down a bit. Re-schedule the MCAT for a time you won't be taking a full undergrad load, or wait until your research position is done. Believe me, I can understand the "get-er-done" attitude, as all of us just want to get in and on with our medical education! But seriously, if you want to enjoy life and stay healthy I would recommend taking it easier than what you have planned.


As another point, I don't know about you, but after doing a whole day of school, working in the lab for a few hours, and studying coursework for a bunch more time, the effort, energy, and mindpower I would be able to put into the MCAT material would be next to nothing. So I (if it were me, knowing my own limits) would question the value of even dedicating this time.


Just my humble opinion... I hope it helps...


Good luck with your studies!


I'm actually in my fourth year...I made stupid mistakes of not taking my pre-reqs earlier, and I have already taken gen chem II but I did poorly in it, so I asked to drop it and am re-taking to now.


You are right that I haven't taken orgo yet--I will be taking that next year. I was just thinking that for me, I REALLY wouldn't want to stay for another year (since i'm already staying a fifth year)...


I definitely agree with you about the after school/research and studying, really what will be left for MCAT! I didn't think of that at all...I was just trying to work it into my schedule.


Thanks for your advice, I really appreciate it.


I agree with intouch - you definitely don't want burn out, and Rokme was not built in a day. Just be flexible in your plans and remember, you are only human. Good Luck!


You make a good point--I think I will try to study at the best pace for me, and if I have to postpone my test date, then just be ready to do that :)



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