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"Decision Made" Status & Early Interview

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I know this has been discussed in other threads, but I am wondering if there is anyone else who interviewed early that has a "decision made" status? I have this on mine and they still haven't received one of my refs.


I have read what Dal says about this status (you are either academically inelligible or your application is in progress), but I was just wondering what other peoples say and if their refs have been received.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Wow there are only two of us with this...weird. They have received both of my refs now and the status hasn't changed yet. Oh well I guess we'll find out what it means in March. I think taking the early route was self-torture. 4 months is such a long time to wait!


"Decision made" refers to the decision to give interviews, not acceptances.

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"Decision made" refers to the decision to give interviews, not acceptances.


Even more accurate, it means that your file has been reviewed and you've had your score assigned. They'll have to wait until everyone has had their files reviewed before they know who gets an interview and who doesn't.

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Thanks for the info. I was aware from reading older posts that "decision made" doesn't mean that they have made an admission-related decision and it just means that your file is under review (and probably like mentioned above that my file has been scored). I do not believe from what I have read that it has anything to do with getting an interview or not as I received this status a month after I interviewed (I am in the early-stream). Also I am under the impression that many other people who interviewed early do not have this status.


I started this thread to see if there were many other early-interviewees that had the same thing. Just curious:)

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