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Interviews are out.

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Hey guys,


I posted this in another thread...but fyi the Dal Ask a Med Student facebook group has been made. you can find it at:




Also, if you have any questions concerning interview weekend feel free to email: dalaskamedstudent2010@gmail.com

(sorry the Ask a Med Student Reps don't know anything about when invites are coming/when they are done inviting...)


And the website is up but it is in the midst of being updated (all it says right now is greetings class of 2014...which isn't exactly true...but it will be updated soon)...http://2014.medicine.dal.ca/


Oh, and if you are needing a place to stay for interview weekend and you don't want to pay for a hotel some of the Med1's are willing to billet, email: dalcouchsurf2010@gmail.com...(its first come first serve, with limited spaces) there will be info posted on the facebook group/website about discount hotel booking soon!



Good luck!

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Hey guys,


I just went down to the Admissions Office to check on the status of the interview letters for IP applicants. It turns out that something like 35 emails were overwritten by the registrar's office and those people had their emails sent to a different address. They said it was specifically people who put down their Dal (@dal.ca) emails that ran into the problem. The secretary told me she is resending the emails to the correct addresses (hopefully, this time) this afternoon.

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Actually it was people who DIDN'T use there dal emails but had dal emails. The system automatically sent the emails to dal email addresses if there was a dal email in the system that corresponded to that B00 number even if the applicant had entered a different email address for this application.

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If you think this is bad, wait until it's time for decision letters to come out.


This one is different because I can actually do something about it. So whether or not getting an interview will determine the course of my action for the next 3 months (i.e. preparing for the interview or not). However for the acceptance letter there's nothing one can do about it ;) .

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This one is different because I can actually do something about it. So whether or not getting an interview will determine the course of my action for the next 3 months (i.e. preparing for the interview or not). However for the acceptance letter there's nothing one can do about it ;) .


Good points, but even still, there's a possible wait that's 100x worse than either of the ones we've mentioned. Imagine you get your decision letter, and you find out you're waitlisted at number 14. Looking back through old posts, you find out that the average movement for your pool is between 11 and 15 spots, haha. That is EASILY the worst wait going, and it happens to tons of ppl each year (I was one of the lucky few last summer).


Oh well, hopefully you've got a nice, fat, acceptance letter coming your way, :P.

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Good points, but even still, there's a possible wait that's 100x worse than either of the ones we've mentioned. Imagine you get your decision letter, and you find out you're waitlisted at number 14. Looking back through old posts, you find out that the average movement for your pool is between 11 and 15 spots, haha. That is EASILY the worst wait going, and it happens to tons of ppl each year (I was one of the lucky few last summer).


Oh well, hopefully you've got a nice, fat, acceptance letter coming your way, :P.


Ouch that waiting must have been "good" :D . Anyway good luck to both of us, I am leaving my lab and heading off home finally!

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Oh well, hopefully you've got a nice, fat, acceptance letter coming your way, :P.


Dal's acceptance letters are actually quite thin. Mine came in a small plain envelope without the Dal crest on it, and it only had 2 sheets of paper (congratulations letter and conformation form).

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Dal's acceptance letters are actually quite thin. Mine came in a small plain envelope without the Dal crest on it, and it only had 2 sheets of paper (congratulations letter and conformation form).


Thanks xi. Yeah, I'd heard that the only difference between acceptance and waitlist/rejection was that acceptance had 2 pieces of paper in the letter. In that quote, I was just using 'fat' as a figure of speech. Cheers for the info though.

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