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Have an interview, now what?

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Hi all,


Perhaps it's just me, but I'm finding it difficult to locate all of application processing information. I got my interview invitation, so I have my B00 number, now where do I go to login?


My apologies if this has already been answered.

Thanks in advance!

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When I got my notice in November, this was in the email:


"A processing fee of $75.00 is charged to all applicants

receiving an interview. This fee must be paid using the

Dalhousie Student Accounts webpage at

http://www.dal.ca/studentaccounts and follow these steps. You

will need your Dalhousie Banner ID number in order to make

a payment and we have included this at the beginning of

this notice.


Go to Payments

Select Make a Payment

Enter personal information (B00..., name and date of

birth), Submit

Add to Cart

Select General Payments, Continue

Select Medicine Interview Fee, Continue

Checkout Cart

Enter Credit card information, Submit (Only click Submit

once, otherwise you will generate more than one



Your payment is your confirmation of attendance at the



Hope that helps you.


Good luck.

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