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Dalhousie MMI

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I'm 99.9% sure that the answer is no. But I'm not sure what you would need notes for. You only see the question right before so you can't have prepared notes. And the question is in the room as well, in case you forget part of it. And it would make for a very bad interview if you were taking notes during rather than answering the question.

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Is there water in the rooms or should we bring a water bottle (would this be allowed)


Also, does anyone have any thoughts on introducing yourself to interviewers? Does this depend on the question (In an acting scenario would you introduce yourself or get into the role right away)?

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I believe they provide you with cups of water if you so desire. And you can bring them in the room with you if you'd like to.


You should introduce yourself to the interviewers, shaking hands is your preference. Although if an interviewer refuses to shake hands for personal reasons or because he/she is sick, what have you don't take it personally and don't let it throw you off.


The actor is a bit of a different story. I don't think it'll matter either way if you introduce yourself or get right in to the role playing. I think that part would be fairly insignificant to your overall scoring.

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