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Is anyone else tired of rethinking their interview responses, worrying about their extra-curriculars, and thinking about medical school in general? It has been such a long process and as it draws to a close my patience is wearing thin and I am increasingly worried.


My apologies for a post that contributes absolutely nothing new or relevent to discussion, but I just needed to vent. The application journey is coming to an end and it is scary.

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It's definitely a tough thing to go through. I'm better off this year than I was last year, but I still know the anxiety you're referring to. This year most of my struggle comes from motivating myself to putting my all into this semester of school, as it will all be moot if I get in (I don't particularly like my program). Just keep in mind that it's all out of your hands now, and there's literally nothing you can do about it.


Also, concerning your statement about the application process being almost over, you'd be surprised how long this road can end up being :P.

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Also, concerning your statement about the application process being almost over, you'd be surprised how long this road can end up being :P.


True enough. Being waitlisted could stretch it on for a while. And a no just means we get to do it all again next year!


I suppose I should be thankful for even getting an interview. I would hate to come across as whiny, as I'm really quite fortunate. But it is still draining.

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Is anyone else tired of rethinking their interview responses, worrying about their extra-curriculars, and thinking about medical school in general? It has been such a long process and as it draws to a close my patience is wearing thin and I am increasingly worried.


My apologies for a post that contributes absolutely nothing new or relevent to discussion, but I just needed to vent. The application journey is coming to an end and it is scary.


Its part of life my friend. This about the other ~5 thousand+ applicants that are in the same situation as you. Just relax, know that its gonna happen no matter what, and enjoy whatever you are doing at the moment... one day when you get in (hopefully not too far from today? :) ), you are gonna look back at this time, and be happy you waited.

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