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To be considered as a NB resident?

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*** To be considered as a NB resident


I graduated from ON. I am not canadian resident or citizen yet. However, I will get my immigration soon. Then, I am planning to attend to a NB university for two years to get another BSc degree.



a) since I will be living in NB for 2yrs before I apply, will it make me NB resident?

B) if not, what do I have to do?


thanks for your time n reply.

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You should check with the admissions office. I don't know for sure how it works. I know that you have to live their for 12 consecutive months, but your supposed to be working and usually doing an undergrad in a province doesn't count towards residency. But I don't know anything about how it works with respect to immigration. The admissions office will know so you should send them an email or give them a call.

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