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Maxillo-facial surgery

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I heard that Dalhousie University offers the 6-year maxillo-facial surgery speciality (after dentistry), which also gives you an M.D. Do you know if other universities give this opportunity ? Is it really difficult to get in ? How much places are available ? What kind of candidate are they looking for ?


Thanks !

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I actually don't know a whole lot about the program. I don't know which schools offer it, but I assume other schools would have similar programs. Dal takes 1 student for the OMFS program per year. I think it's fairly difficult to gain acceptance but I'm not sure exactly of their process, competition, etc. I don't think they write the MCAT though. The program itself seems quite intense compared to regular med school. My understanding is that the 1st year is working in the clinic and in the OR (I think) and the second year they start with the regular med 1 class doing all the regular classes, labs, exams, etc but they also have some OR/clinic time throughout and they do take call throughout. They start some clerkship rotations after 1st year classes in the summer. Then they do med 2 classes, etc while doing their regular call etc. I think they also have some extra projects and lectures as well throughout. Then they do clerkship when we do clerkship but they take their own call at different points as well. So they are residents and med students/clerks at the same time. And they end of graduating the year after their pre-clerkship class, with their MD and Masters in maxillofacial surgery. So, the girl in my class in OMFS really started her program the year before we started Med school and she'll graduate with the class behind us. But when they're done they will be able to get jobs as staff surgeons the program encompasses undergraduate med school and residency in one.

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