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How did it go?

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I'll break the ice.


We can't be too specific for confidentiality reasons...but how did people find their day in Hamilton and the mmi interview?


I thought it went well overall and actually was very impressed.


For trying to gauge how your competition did you're really not stimulating discussion with your comment. How about some elaboration...

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Well, I did the Mac MMI last year and I noticed some differences, but they are most likely just do to chance.


This year, the student reception wasn't as social. Last year, students were asked to mingle with peers/hosts before they were brought to their room. This year it seems we were sent to our rooms earlier, and there was a bit more emphasis on eating the food in the room as opposed to in the lobby. The reception was still very well organized though.


For the interview itself, I feel that I did much better than last year *knock on wood*. I felt the interviewers were much more responsive and more open to offering follow up questions without trying to trick me. But then again, perhaps I was just more prepared this year or I had a friendlier set of interviewers. Oh, and my interview ward had an actual buzzer this year instead of struggling to hear somebody yelling "SWWWWITCCH!".


So overall, the experience was a bit different than last year, but went well I think.



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How were the actors? Good? Bad? Terrible?


My actor was really really good. I've done three MMIs now (one at Dal), and both of my good actors were here at Mac. Specifically, the one I had yesterday was talkative, acted well so much as to almost be believable, and kept giving cues as to what I, as the interviewee, should touch on. For example, she would say "Yeah that's really important to me, but I'm more concerned about ____".


In contrast, my Dal actor was a bit less talkative and took the whole "I'm really sad" thing to a whole new level. In some cases, I hear people's Dal actor literally just said "yes/no/no response" to everything you said. Overall, the acting station isn't something to worry about if the trend stays true. It was even my very first station :S

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My actor was really really good. I've done three MMIs now (one at Dal), and both of my good actors were here at Mac. Specifically, the one I had yesterday was talkative, acted well so much as to almost be believable, and kept giving cues as to what I, as the interviewee, should touch on. For example, she would say "Yeah that's really important to me, but I'm more concerned about ____".


In contrast, my Dal actor was a bit less talkative and took the whole "I'm really sad" thing to a whole new level. In some cases, I hear people's Dal actor literally just said "yes/no/no response" to everything you said. Overall, the acting station isn't something to worry about if the trend stays true. It was even my very first station :S


That's very reassuring. Thanks for this information :)

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LOL- me too!

I also feel incredibly dorky about it but every time I think of if I get all excited about the program! (nerd!)


This was my first interview, so I don't have anything to compare it to, but I was really impressed with how smoothly everything went, and how friendly everyone was (even the interviewers). I can honestly say that, although my cortisol levels were probably astronomical, I had a really fun day.

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For those that had their interviews this weekend, how did you find it walking from station to station in heels?


And based on the stations, is heels okay?


As long as you're comfortable in heels in general (i.e. can wear them & walk short distances in them for a few hours) you shouldn't have any problems.


As far as the stations themselves, they really kept the interpretive dance to a minimum this year ;)

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okay. I just found out that the interview is supposed to be 2 hours???

how much of this is going to involve standing? I mean, I can handle heels but there is a limit.


like i'm imagining the SP situations in my head and to me, it looks like that would involve standing. like in the example they sent us, the woman was freaking out about getting on a plane. that person will likely be running around or something, right?


standing interviews + heels is a difficult combo.

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okay. I just found out that the interview is supposed to be 2 hours???

how much of this is going to involve standing? I mean, I can handle heels but there is a limit.


like i'm imagining the SP situations in my head and to me, it looks like that would involve standing. like in the example they sent us, the woman was freaking out about getting on a plane. that person will likely be running around or something, right?


standing interviews + heels is a difficult combo.


Nah, most if not all the stations will involve you sitting. The most walking around/standing is in the two minutes between stations when you're standing outside.

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okay. I just found out that the interview is supposed to be 2 hours???

how much of this is going to involve standing? I mean, I can handle heels but there is a limit.


like i'm imagining the SP situations in my head and to me, it looks like that would involve standing. like in the example they sent us, the woman was freaking out about getting on a plane. that person will likely be running around or something, right?


standing interviews + heels is a difficult combo.


hahaha I doubt she'll be running around in a small room with chairs & other furnishings....anddd I highly doubt you'd be expected to run after her ;)

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heels were definitely OK - all the pre-interview stuff was sitting, and the only time during the interview you had to stand was 2 minutes each station when you're reading the question. If you hate heels in general, wear flats - lots of interviewees did. If you usually wear heels with your suit, go ahead - my feet felt fine by the end of it. And yeah, lots of variety in suit styles (though mostly grey and black as others have said) and shirts underneath were various colours, even patterns.


My advice - try on your suit + potential shirt, look in the mirror - do you see a doctor? Then you've found your interview outfit! (also helps kill the nerves)


AND amska, thanks for letting me know about the video!

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