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I need help :0

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Hi guys,

I just finished my undergrad in Honors specialization in Biology from University of Western Ontario. So I had a very high average in high school starting university that I had my entire first year paid for. Unfortunately I was under the impression that all medical schools like Schulich at UWO looks at your last 2 years so I totally partied it up and messed my up my first 2 years.


My GPA according to the AMCAS scale is

1st year 2.4

2nd year 3.2

3rd year 3.7

4th year 4.0


I know with such a poor GPA I cannot apply to the majority of Canadian schools but do I stand a chance with the American Medical schools? I have received 3 honorary awards and scholarship in my last 2 years and I am graduating with distinction based on my last 2 years. I also have a lot of volunteer experience at the hospital, rape and distress center, Wound Healing Clinic, Sleep Disorder Clinic, I shadowed a Palliative Care specialist, and I am extremely good at playing piano and visual arts if that counts.


I would really help if you guys could guide me as I am new to all of this. My parents are both doctors and I know through their friends and people that I have worked with I can get really strong reference letters.


Thank you

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First of all, you were an idiot. And to answer your question, in my experience you don't stand a shot at any American schools because of your GPA, although you don't give a cumulative it seems to be around 3.3, which is far below average. As Canadians, we are usually held to higher standards since we are considered international student. Your only hope at getting into a US school is getting something ridiculously high on the MCAT, like upper 30's high. But realistically, your only reasonable chance is UWO.

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I'm curious as to how come you didn't apply this past cycle to UWO and Queen's? Have you not taken the MCAT yet? UWO could have conditionally accepted you if you applied.


In terms of US schools, I probably don't have to reiterate that your cGPA is no good. You probably have beaten yourself up enough for that. It does help that you do have an upward trend and that is definitely looked well upon. That said, some top-tier schools will definitely compare you to the other applicants they have, who worked their asses off for 4 years and not take your application as seriously (that is unless you can give them a better excuse other than you "partied it up") Your EC sounds fine, but nothing really sticks out. You need to write a very pursuasive personal statement. And as always, I wouldn't be giving good advice unless I tell ya to apply early and apply broadly if you are serious about applying

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Thank you all for your feedback. Everybody in my family is a doctor and surprisingly they all have graduated from Schulich so I just assumed my last 2 years were the most important. I realize my mistake that is why I tried my hardest in my last 2 years. I haven't applied to any medical school yet as I just got a 10 10 10 on my mCAT and UWO raised their verbal cut-off to 11. I am going to write my mcats again this summer and probably apply for a fifth year. In term of EC do you guys have any suggestions as to what can make an applicant stand out among the rest? Once again thanks a lot. Any kind of feedback is welcomed.

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Thank you all for your feedback. Everybody in my family is a doctor and surprisingly they all have graduated from Schulich so I just assumed my last 2 years were the most important. I realize my mistake that is why I tried my hardest in my last 2 years. I haven't applied to any medical school yet as I just got a 10 10 10 on my mCAT and UWO raised their verbal cut-off to 11. I am going to write my mcats again this summer and probably apply for a fifth year. In term of EC do you guys have any suggestions as to what can make an applicant stand out among the rest? Once again thanks a lot. Any kind of feedback is welcomed.


Since your whole family went to Schulich I'm guessing your from the SWOMEN area, in that case the cutoffs for you are lower, I think its either 8/8/8 or 9/9/9 with a 30 minimum cumulative, I might be off though. Like I said before, sorry if I sounded mean, but realistically UWO if your only shot

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