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unnecessary MCAT prep ?


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Hi guys,


I am in first year and am getting pressured by my parents to take MCAT classes.. without taking the real MCAT this year. They think it is important to prepare beforehand (in the summer after 1st year & during 2nd year). From what I have heard and seen from discussions in this forum, it seems quite unnecessary to take the class and prepare for the MCAT, if I were not to take the real one in the near future. My parents, on the other hand, think it is somewhat like SAT. I personally don't think I will be doing MCAT during 2nd year.. and will forget all the things Ive learned during the summer.

When would be the optimal time for MCAT preparation?


Thanks in advance!

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It makes no sense to take the course a year before you plan on writing it -- you'll just forget stuff. I think the best time to write would be after 2nd year, because then you'll have taken all the chem etc. and won't have to study as much. I never took a prep course (just flipped through a majorly-expired MCAT book, lol), but I've heard that you get basically the same info as you would from an MCAT book. Probably would be good if you need the structure though (and have extra cash!).

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I'd also recommend against preparing so long in advance. Study for a focused 2-3 months before your test, then be done with it. I think dragging it out over two summers and a school year would just intensify your hatred for MCAT studying. Do something enjoyable with your summer that you might not be able to do when you devote yourself more to the MCAT.

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You can never prepare "too early" for a test simply because much of the core science on the MCAT is exactly the material that you cover in 1st and 2nd year Bio/MedSci/Orgo/Chem/Physics courses. At the very least it is refresher material for your University courses, and at best, it will have you learn concepts that you previously didn't know.


However taking courses (especially at the expense of $1500-2000) seems really over the top if you aren't going to go into the MCAT in 2nd year. It would shore up your fundamental knowledge, but you would also forget so many of the superfluous material that you wouldn't cover again until you started preparing for the MCAT.


The MCAT is a very important test, but it is just that, a test. If you overprepare for it you aren't going to go into the test with the same kind of mindset that you want. Honestly, if you are looking for good "well before the MCAT" preparation, joing your local pre-med society, and do the MCAT prep seminars/interview seminars. Go to lectures to find out some of the more detailed information on what you would do on the MCAT. Take a creative writing course (as a credit based, or spare time) for both CV purposes and to improve your writing. Read articles from time to time from other faculty research to get used to understanding and breaking down dense lit for the verbal sections.


But don't worry about studying for the MCAT a year before it. It isn't THAT much detail.

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