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Previous applicant - Should I redo the MCAT?

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Hey guys,


I wanted to bring forth my situation to you all in order to get some feedback on what my next steps should be.


As it stands right now my MCAT is a PS-12/V-10/BS-13/WS-R = 35R. I am currently wait listed at Duke and Vanderbilt and am awaiting to hear from Queen's on May 13th. I am pretty pessimistic about my chances to obtain entrance this year, so I am set to apply to American schools again this year (and Canadian ones). Last cycle, I applied very late (complete anywhere from October to December) which I feel affected my chances. Now, I have the option of submitting right away and being complete as early as humanly possible, OR, being complete later and redoing my MCAT to achieve a better score. I am looking for improvements primarily in Verbal, and possible BS, since I have now done Orgo since I last wrote (so maybe there's gains to be made there). I am registered for June 17th, meaning I would be complete at the earliest in Mid-July/August instead of in June.


So, the question I'm asking is should I redo my MCAT (and wager some risk) or should I stick with my existing score and apply as early as possible? I know an improved MCAT (particularly in verbal) would help me for American schools and maybe for Western (if they keep the cutoffs from this year). But then again, I am uncertain about how much more I could progress.


Hoping for some insights here =S. Thanks in advance! :)

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Hey guys,


I wanted to bring forth my situation to you all in order to get some feedback on what my next steps should be.


As it stands right now my MCAT is a PS-12/V-10/BS-13/WS-R = 35R. I am currently wait listed at Duke and Vanderbilt and am awaiting to hear from Queen's on May 13th. I am pretty pessimistic about my chances to obtain entrance this year, so I am set to apply to American schools again this year (and Canadian ones). Last cycle, I applied very late (complete anywhere from October to December) which I feel affected my chances. Now, I have the option of submitting right away and being complete as early as humanly possible, OR, being complete later and redoing my MCAT to achieve a better score. I am looking for improvements primarily in Verbal, and possible BS, since I have now done Orgo since I last wrote (so maybe there's gains to be made there). I am registered for June 17th, meaning I would be complete at the earliest in Mid-July/August instead of in June.


So, the question I'm asking is should I redo my MCAT (and wager some risk) or should I stick with my existing score and apply as early as possible? I know an improved MCAT (particularly in verbal) would help me for American schools and maybe for Western (if they keep the cutoffs from this year). But then again, I am uncertain about how much more I could progress.


Hoping for some insights here =S. Thanks in advance! :)


I wouldn't take it again with that score. It's a great score (obviously good enough for top schools since you interviewed there), and there are no guarantees that you'll do better. No point in delaying your application, since being late was probably your main problem last cycle.

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I'm actually in the same situation as you (high score -- think I can do even better) and I am considering retaking if I don't get in this year (the OOP schools and even some Ontario schools just chug it into a formula. 1 point probably wouldn't make a difference, but 2 points would!)


I'm probably going to get express score release though, for that reason. I'd say do it if you are absolutely confident you can go up. The score differences between 1 or 2 points on the MCAT when it comes to some of these OOP schools are literally the difference between a waitlist and an acceptance.


P.S. I was complete at most of my schools in Late-August, Early September and wound up with a 25% interview rate ... and I'm an applicant that couldn't even get in so it's certainly not undoable just make sure you've DONE the secondaries so they are ready to be submitted the moment you get your MCAT score.

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From the mantra that has been said in the circles about reapplying, if you reapply to the same schools again, make sure you add something significant that has changed from the previous application (if you don't redo MCAT). If you redo MCAT, make sure it is a couple points higher.


Edit: apply to some lower tiered schools too madskillz. You definitely were shooting for the moon by the looks of things.

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I wouldn't redo the MCAT. How much higher are you really expecting this time around - like a 38 or something?


Did you apply very broadly this past cycle? Or did you just apply to high ranking schools? And btw, what's your GPA? And are you sure that essays were decently rewritten?

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Yeah I was definitely shooting for the moon..at least for the US as that was the only way my parents and I reasoned spending $300K to come to the US to be worth it..well, that and I thought I had a legitimate shot at a top 20. I will be applying to middle and lower tier schools in the next cycle (I only applied to upper tiers this past cycle, literally just the big names...sigh...how foolish :( ).


My AMCAS GPAs are cGPA: 3.96, sGPA: 3.95. My essays were well written as well, but at some schools, I don't think they even had time to get to mine. For some reason, I was complete at Yale and Columbia in December which is ridiculous. I know for a fact that at Duke it was my essays that got me an interview.


I feel like I could have a minor improvement in my MCAT score. I understand the material better, especially orgo, and feel more confident about it. But really how much is the issue. What I'm shooting for is in the high 30's.


Would you guys recommend studying for the MCAT and determining whether I should write the actual thing based on how I do on my practice tests? I know there is still some measure of risk in this. But seems like a good compromise to me.

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You would be nuts to rewrite the MCAT in part because of Orgo. You have a 13 already, and there's not that much room for improvement. Unless you can bump up VR to 12, you would be wasting your time IMO. You would be in a good position to apply broadly next year. I guess you and your parents didn't consider that acceptance at one school at least is better than a lost year of reapplying w/ the thousands in associated costs and ultimately of one year's doctor's income at the end.

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Hmm I think I will make the attempt to rewrite. I have the time now in the summer and I do not want to deny myself the opportunity to write. That being said, I have two pretty big roadblocks to actually taking the test: 1) If I get in this year, and; 2) If I do not obtain the marks I would like on practice tests.


I realize there won't be much improvement on a 13 in BS...what I am estimating is that my BS was the easier section....statistically that shouldn't happen again so with my better understanding if I could at least repeat that, I might be able to make gains in other areas.


Thanks for your advice guys.


And finally, if someone (i.e., JC5) could elaborate on express score release that would be appreciated! Thanks :)

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My 2 cents: I think rewriting the MCAT is a good idea IF you are confident you won't drop. Like if you know 35R isn't the best you can do - go for it. Don't rewrite if you're pretty unsure/might even drop though...


Definitely apply early - just from talking to people/reading stuff people have said online, it seems if you are applying to schools in the right range (i.e. high tier/mid tier/low tier) for you, it's about 50% interview if you apply really early in the cycle and 25% if you apply right at the end - and I got 25% interviews applying in October so.... seems to hold true. Try to submit in July/August.

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