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my chances

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I know this thread has been made countless times, however I am in a predicament and I was hoping someone could help me out.


So this last year i totally screwed myself over and as a result I am really bummed out.


Due to some circumstances, towards the end of the year I had copied someone's work and as a result I have received a Grade of F with transcript notation. (I understand that I am stupid, and what i did is completely wrong, but in all honestly I made a really poor choice and everyday I regret doing it).


As a result my GPA took a big fall in my last year,


MY Gpa is

1st year: 3.84 2nd: 4.00 3rd: 3.87 and 4th: 3.40


My cumulative is roughly 3.79 and my MCAT scores are 10 10 10 S.


I totally f'ed myself up, and well I know the transcript notation really eliminates my chances of getting into any school, I figured if someone could give me advice as to what school's I could possibly apply to (low-tiers), because i have no idea what I am doing as of right now and any help would be greatly appreciated


p.s: i already feel bad about this situation, so please dont remind me how stupid my actions were and that it is not reflective of my character

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I know this thread has been made countless times, however I am in a predicament and I was hoping someone could help me out.


So this last year i totally screwed myself over and as a result I am really bummed out.


Due to some circumstances, towards the end of the year I had copied someone's work and as a result I have received a Grade of F with transcript notation. (I understand that I am stupid, and what i did is completely wrong, but in all honestly I made a really poor choice and everyday I regret doing it).


As a result my GPA took a big fall in my last year,


MY Gpa is

1st year: 3.84 2nd: 4.00 3rd: 3.87 and 4th: 3.40


My cumulative is roughly 3.79 and my MCAT scores are 10 10 10 S.


I totally f'ed myself up, and well I know the transcript notation really eliminates my chances of getting into any school, I figured if someone could give me advice as to what school's I could possibly apply to (low-tiers), because i have no idea what I am doing as of right now and any help would be greatly appreciated


p.s: i already feel bad about this situation, so please dont remind me how stupid my actions were and that it is not reflective of my character


I'd be sure that low tiers aren't any different from upper tiers in handling academic offences, so you may be looked upon unfavorably overall. Your MCAT isn't too competitive either. I'm not sure there is anything you can do but look beyond North America.

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Your main problem is that this happened so recently. You can't really claim that you have matured since then, they way you might if it happened 1st year. I'm afraid you're screwed for most US schools, unless you take a few years off before applying. Sorry to say.

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Sorry this might seem like a really dumb question.. but, what is transcript notation? Does that mean that even though your CGPA is competitive, you still can't get an F?


Transcript Notation: Academic offense is noted on your transcript indicating that you did something wrong.

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I'm sorry to hear about this experience. Your best bet will be to contact schools. I wish I could help, but I have no idea how they deal with academic offenses. I know in the US, there is a specific question that asks if you've faced disciplinary action from your school. I don't know how schools will deal with it though, I can't imagine it would be anything but unfavourable.

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Gotcha, thaaaanks. :)


So it ruins your chances completely with all US schools? What about canadian schools?


uhmmmm it ruins the chances for everything related to universities that looks at your transcript even another undergrad (if you want the transfer credits from this undergrad), i think

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Generally speaking I'm going to agree with people here and say you're probably pretty screwed as far as applying to professional schools in Canada/US is concerned.


If you're not willing to go overseas and really want to pursue medicine still, then try directly contacting schools, explain your situation. Maybe if you can convince them that you understand what you did was wrong/you've improved/matured etc. they might let you apply. It's a longshot but if it's really important to you, might be worth a try.

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Generally speaking I'm going to agree with people here and say you're probably pretty screwed as far as applying to professional schools in Canada/US is concerned.


If you're not willing to go overseas and really want to pursue medicine still, then try directly contacting schools, explain your situation. Maybe if you can convince them that you understand what you did was wrong/you've improved/matured etc. they might let you apply. It's a longshot but if it's really important to you, might be worth a try.


Yeah, I think you have no choice but to do what cyradis said. Any chance of having the notation removed from your transcript at all? Even criminals sometimes are offered pardons, I'm sure there has to be some way for you to be given some leniency. Although, due to the recency of the incident, I doubt there is anything you can do for now.

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thank you guys for your opinion...


i guess here's my 2nd question:


I have applied to numerous schools in the US and I am waiting to hear back from them...and so if I am offered a spot at the school ... and I send in my updated transcript for 4th year


am i automatically going to lose my spot ? assuming I have passed all the prereqs and have met the GPA requirement.


P.S: i have called the schools and none of them have given me anything concrete with regards to the issue... as most of them say to wait it out until / if you get an offer.

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thank you guys for your opinion...


i guess here's my 2nd question:


I have applied to numerous schools in the US and I am waiting to hear back from them...and so if I am offered a spot at the school ... and I send in my updated transcript for 4th year


am i automatically going to lose my spot ? assuming I have passed all the prereqs and have met the GPA requirement.


P.S: i have called the schools and none of them have given me anything concrete with regards to the issue... as most of them say to wait it out until / if you get an offer.


Cross that bridge if it happens. Its up to each school how they will treat it. They will likely scrutinize the transcript and it may not bode so well for you. The F is a big flag right away.

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Cross that bridge if it happens. Its up to each school how they will treat it. They will likely scrutinize the transcript and it may not bode so well for you. The F is a big flag right away.


yea I understand it's a flag but what I mean to say is that


I have already interviewed at these schools, and well to-date the transcript they have doesnt have my current year courses. So basically my question is


when and if i get an offer, I have to send in my updated transcript... and that's when they will see the F (the final year which wasn't even used to calculate my cGPA for the first time).. so would they be able to revoke the offer right away (even tho it had no bearing on the application cycle i applied in), or will they give me a chance to explain myself?

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They might give you a chance to explain, but honestly, I'm really sorry to say that they'll 90% revoke any acceptance (even if you explain) especially if there's been a notation of academic dishonesty on your transcript.

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yea I understand it's a flag but what I mean to say is that


I have already interviewed at these schools, and well to-date the transcript they have doesnt have my current year courses. So basically my question is


when and if i get an offer, I have to send in my updated transcript... and that's when they will see the F (the final year which wasn't even used to calculate my cGPA for the first time).. so would they be able to revoke the offer right away (even tho it had no bearing on the application cycle i applied in), or will they give me a chance to explain myself?


Your offer for admission is always conditional pending continued academic success. The point I was making before is that, since you have an F in your last transcript, that may be enough grounds to revoke a conditional offer as you may not have lived up to their expectations. That or the F will make them look more thoroughly at the transcript, and seeing an academic offence will surely not impress schools very much, especially in your final term. If it was me, I'd probably call into question a lot of earlier marks on that transcript.


You'd possibly be able to explain an F, but with an academic offense, I would doubt it.

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You'd possibly be able to explain an F, but with an academic offense, I would doubt it.



Also, schools expect students who are accepted to update them of anything significant. So if someone is arrested after an acceptance, they would have to tell, even if they previously passed the background check. If you don't tell the schools now about what happened, they'll find out later which might make things worse (since they might think you were being deceitful once again).

Not sure how I'd approach this, tough choice to make for sure.

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  • 5 weeks later...

So i got off the wait list at my preferred school today, and they have asked me to submit a transcript that ensures that I have completed my 30 credits by june.


So the condition that i was given is: I should have completed my 30 credits by now, and I need to submit an official transcript to prove it. Ofcourse when I submit my transcript they will see the notation + Failed course, however I still have the 30 credits completed (summer course).


If i have completed all the requirements of my offer, and there is no mention of how an act of dishonesty could affect your admission after they have offered it anywhere in their policy... on what grounds can they revoke the offer?


Sorry to have revived this thread again, I had lost hope by now... but now i am very confused :S and scared

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If i have completed all the requirements of my offer, and there is no mention of how an act of dishonesty could affect your admission after they have offered it anywhere in their policy... on what grounds can they revoke the offer?



None of my acceptance letters mentioned a condition about academic dishonesty since I think this is just assumed. Your school accepted you thinking you did not have any issue with dishonesty, and I think they could easily revoke your acceptance regardless of their offer conditions. Sorry to say. Also, does AMCAS specify that you need to update schools if your situation wrt academic dishonesty changes (since you had nothing to disclose when you first applied)?

Hopefully things work out for you.

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AMCAS had a section to disclose academic dishonesty?


I dont even remember


Yes, you either had to answer yes or no (to whether or not you've been on probationary status, or if you've had an issue with academic dishonesty), then there was a space for explanations if you answered "yes." No way to miss or skip this section.

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