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U of T vs. Dartmouth

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Thanks for the input guys!


From a financial point of view, it's an easy choice. But if I was to leave that out of the equation, I was leaning a bit to Dartmouth. It has a smaller class, their match list is pretty impressive, and if i decide to work in the states in the future, it'd be easier if i went to an american school.



But this is just how I feel right this second, i've been going back and forth for days now.

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Thanks for the input guys!


From a financial point of view, it's an easy choice. But if I was to leave that out of the equation, I was leaning a bit to Dartmouth. It has a smaller class, their match list is pretty impressive, and if i decide to work in the states in the future, it'd be easier if i went to an american school.



But this is just how I feel right this second, i've been going back and forth for days now.


Um hm, please, have a seat in the wagon

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Do you have any idea what sort of financial aid you'll be receiving from Dartmouth? I was also accepted here and they told me that Canadian students can receive a fair amount of financial aid. I also spoke with a Canadian student at DMS who said that what she pays for tuition is not significantly much more than what she would pay at a Canadian med school (after financial aid). Also, yes, their match list is fantastic. If you're interested in coming back to Canada, one of their students just matched into ortho at U of T, which is pretty competitive. So it is possible, just throwing it out there. They are affiliated with awesome hospitals across the country, and the Canadian student I spoke to had just come back from an awesome ENT/plastics elective at UCSF. Honestly, I really loved the school, and it was the last US one that I withdrew from (didn't know if I would be getting financial aid or not, plus I wanted to stay in Canada for personal reasons).


If you get no financial aid, I would strongly consider U of T. Cost at US schools is just too exorbitant for me, and as I said, I wanted to stay in Canada. Now if you eventually want to practice in the US, that may change things, but I am no expert on going to the US after getting your MD in Canada.

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