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Application help

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Hi guys, could use some help on my application. Given my grades and stuff, should I just aim for low-mid tier schools or aim higher?


This is my 2nd year applying, I applied in November last year and it was much too late and I only applied to a few schools and didn't do any research at all.


Honours Biology at UBC

GPA: 3.51, sGPA: 3.65, 4th year GPA: 3.71

As you can see GPA isn't my strong component


Mcat: 37P (12/14/11P)



Lots of research experience with honours degree

Won undergrad research scholarship

Worked as a math/science tutor for over 15 students in the past 5 years.

School stuff: Intermural soccer team, Various club activities (no execs positions held though), UBC orientations volunteer

Other: Homeless shelter, Elementary school teacher's assistant, Psychology research assistant, Senior home, working with autistic children, and recently started to volunteer at a hospital.


I have only 40 hours of shadowing experience and I've heard of people doing 200... don't know if it'll be enough


From reading around the forums and doing a little research, I think I have a chance for low-tier schools if I apply early, but would I have a chance for mid-higher tier schools? I don't know if my Mcat is enough to balance my gpa and if my research experience would help. Thanks for any advice!!

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bump, any suggestions?


I would say you have a decent chance. Your GPA shows an upward trend and your MCAT is great. Plus you have shadowing experience which is rare for most Canadian applicants to the states. Still I think low-tier schools are your best shot because of the GPA. You should ask the schools that rejected you for specific feedback on your application and take their advice seriously.

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I would say you have a decent chance. Your GPA shows an upward trend and your MCAT is great. Plus you have shadowing experience which is rare for most Canadian applicants to the states. Still I think low-tier schools are your best shot because of the GPA. You should ask the schools that rejected you for specific feedback on your application and take their advice seriously.


Couldn't have said it better. Also, in the US particularly, a strong MCAT can do wonders.

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I would aim toward mid-tier schools aswell. you seem to have a well balanced application...work hard on your personal statement and get as many people to read it as possible. i think you have a good shot, good luck!

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