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Question about Pre-req!

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I am currently in my first year of an MSc. degree (set to graduate June 2011). I am missing half a pre-req (in organic chem/or bch) for the Ottawa requirements. My question is: can I apply to Ottawa this Fall, while still missing this pre-req and be offered an interview by any chance? With the condition that I complete the course before June 2011?


In other words, can I take the risk of NOT doing this pre-req until (IF) I get an interview? Or will Ottawa automatically reject my application when they see that I am missing half a credit?


Thanks very much :)

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I am currently in my first year of an MSc. degree (set to graduate June 2011). I am missing half a pre-req (in organic chem/or bch) for the Ottawa requirements. My question is: can I apply to Ottawa this Fall, while still missing this pre-req and be offered an interview by any chance? With the condition that I complete the course before June 2011?


In other words, can I take the risk of NOT doing this pre-req until (IF) I get an interview? Or will Ottawa automatically reject my application when they see that I am missing half a credit?


Thanks very much :)


You have to remember that they start sending out interview dates at the end of January/beginning of February, and most uni's stop registration into courses by then.


But I just completed my last required chemistry credit in the winter semester of 2010 and received entrance for the upcoming year.

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You have to remember that they start sending out interview dates at the end of January/beginning of February, and most uni's stop registration into courses by then.


But I just completed my last required chemistry credit in the winter semester of 2010 and received entrance for the upcoming year.


What if it is a Athabasca U credit? (course dont online) ie. I can start it whenever I need to (at the beginning of any month)...

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I'm accepted to and going to be attending Ottawa, and I still have a requirement missing...whoops. I'm taking it by correspondence and writing my exam tomorrow (...why am I on pm101?). You just need to have everything in to them by June 30th.

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What if it is a Athabasca U credit? (course dont online) ie. I can start it whenever I need to (at the beginning of any month)...


Could have mentioned this in my previous post - I'm taking Biochem through Athabasca. I started beginning of April, so it's taken me about 2 months from start to finish. Given, I work 4-5 nights a week in a restaurant so only about 25-30 hours a week, so I have lots of productive time during the day to study.

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I'm accepted to and going to be attending Ottawa, and I still have a requirement missing...whoops. I'm taking it by correspondence and writing my exam tomorrow (...why am I on pm101?). You just need to have everything in to them by June 30th.


Thanks! That gives me a bit more hope....!

Do we know what the wGPA cutoff was this year?

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I was under the impression they wanted the pre-reqs done by the start of June.... I asked about intersession courses at the start of the year and was told they weren't acceptable.


I imagine there is a little wiggle room though as long as you meet the transcript deadline.


I applied missing 1.5 chem courses and did them all with Athabasca between February and May..... I was accepted and it was never an issue.

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Guest viscous
Could have mentioned this in my previous post - I'm taking Biochem through Athabasca. I started beginning of April, so it's taken me about 2 months from start to finish. Given, I work 4-5 nights a week in a restaurant so only about 25-30 hours a week, so I have lots of productive time during the day to study.


what pre-req are you missing?

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I was under the impression they wanted the pre-reqs done by the start of June.... I asked about intersession courses at the start of the year and was told they weren't acceptable.


I imagine there is a little wiggle room though as long as you meet the transcript deadline.


I applied missing 1.5 chem courses and did them all with Athabasca between February and May..... I was accepted and it was never an issue.


Yeah, I think intersession might be different than correspondence/distance courses, so I wouldn't assume that the requirements for both are the same.

My letter of acceptances says that as long as I have my transcripts in for June 30th it's fine (as you said).

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I am currently in my first year of an MSc. degree (set to graduate June 2011). I am missing half a pre-req (in organic chem/or bch) for the Ottawa requirements. My question is: can I apply to Ottawa this Fall, while still missing this pre-req and be offered an interview by any chance? With the condition that I complete the course before June 2011?


In other words, can I take the risk of NOT doing this pre-req until (IF) I get an interview? Or will Ottawa automatically reject my application when they see that I am missing half a credit?


Thanks very much :)


Back when I was applying, you also needed to submit proof that you were registered for the course during the winter session. I did some pre-reqs with Athabasca, and although I think they gave me until June to finish them, I had to actually register for the courses by winter... not sure when exactly the deadline was anymore, but it was before I got my interview invite for sure, so maybe January or something? So you may be able to finish the course after your admission offer, but register before you know if you get an interview or not. It's best to check with the school to make sure this hasn't changed though, as it's (already!) been 3 yrs since I applied.

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Back when I was applying, you also needed to submit proof that you were registered for the course during the winter session. I did some pre-reqs with Athabasca, and although I think they gave me until June to finish them, I had to actually register for the courses by winter... not sure when exactly the deadline was anymore, but it was before I got my interview invite for sure, so maybe January or something? So you may be able to finish the course after your admission offer, but register before you know if you get an interview or not. It's best to check with the school to make sure this hasn't changed though, as it's (already!) been 3 yrs since I applied.


I don't remember giving any proof, and I didn't register until mid-March, and my interview was March 24th, so they can't have needed proof. Generally correspondence courses are 6 months long, so I would suggest registering as soon as you can. I was backpacking in Asia until the start of March, so early to mid-March was the earliest I could reasonable register.

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