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Bringing GF/BF with you to School in US

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I'm moving down to the US this summer for dental school, however, have a gf in canada. Has anyone been through this? how do they go about getting a job, or moving down with you?


Umm, she'll have to apply for a travel visa and show them reason to grant one for her. I don't think being your GF will cut it, but if she found a job down or planned to study down there, she could try to get a work (h1b, I believe) or study (J1, I believe) visa.

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If she manages to get hired for a job that is directly related to a university degree (to show that she is a skilled employee), the work visa would be very easy to get. It's finding the job first that might be tough.


The process is very complicated. I've looked quite a bit into this. Rach, I hate to say this, but you're wrong! (I still like you though :) ) Its not very easy to get. As a foreign worker, the applicant would have two options: TN (NAFTA Visa), or H1B (regular worker's visa).


TN visa is exclusive for those in the NAFTA area that are of a list of certain occupation (see http://www.nafta-sec-alena.org/en/view.aspx?x=343&mtpiID=147#Ap1603.D.1 ). This visa is for TEMPORARY purposes only limiting the applicant to a 3 year or less job, although I believe there is option for renewal. In this case, its a matter of having a job offer, showing up at the border and getting approved for entry. I believe with this, you have to maintain ties with Canada.


For the H1B visa, this is a muddy waters area. The US issues 65,000 visas per year for the entire world! People on H1B have to be professionals. The biggest hurdle will be, if you as an int'l apply for a job and would get offered the job by the company, the company must first advertise the position in newspapers etc and provide proof that the posting was advertised. If there is any qualified US applicant, they must take that applicant over any alien. This I know through research, and having lived with somebody who actually went through the H1B and green card process through employment. Oh, and to give you a idea of the stresses of applying, there are significantly more than the quota that apply on the first day of application in April.


The best option would be to be employed through a Univ or College where quotas don't apply.


Bottom line: work visas are VERY tough to get unless you match the criteria of TN. The less popular option would be to get a spousal visa for a student (F2) if you get married, however, no work allowed! Good luck!

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The process is very complicated. I've looked quite a bit into this. Rach, I hate to say this, but you're wrong! (I still like you though :) ) Its not very easy to get. As a foreign worker, the applicant would have two options: TN (NAFTA Visa), or H1B (regular worker's visa).


TN visa is exclusive for those in the NAFTA area that are of a list of certain occupation (see http://www.nafta-sec-alena.org/en/view.aspx?x=343&mtpiID=147#Ap1603.D.1 ). This visa is for TEMPORARY purposes only limiting the applicant to a 3 year or less job, although I believe there is option for renewal. In this case, its a matter of having a job offer, showing up at the border and getting approved for entry. I believe with this, you have to maintain ties with Canada.


For the H1B visa, this is a muddy waters area. The US issues 65,000 visas per year for the entire world! People on H1B have to be professionals. The biggest hurdle will be, if you as an int'l apply for a job and would get offered the job by the company, the company must first advertise the position in newspapers etc and provide proof that the posting was advertised. If there is any qualified US applicant, they must take that applicant over any alien. This I know through research, and having lived with somebody who actually went through the H1B and green card process through employment. Oh, and to give you a idea of the stresses of applying, there are significantly more than the quota that apply on the first day of application in April.


The best option would be to be employed through a Univ or College where quotas don't apply.


Bottom line: work visas are VERY tough to get unless you match the criteria of TN. The less popular option would be to get a spousal visa for a student (F2) if you get married, however, no work allowed! Good luck!


Regardless of what the website says, I actually had a TN visa for 2 years, and it WAS really simple. My degree wasn't anything special. All it took was for my new boss to write a letter stating I would be working in a position that required my university degree, and outlined my job responsibilities. No one called my boss to verify, the immigration people barely read the letter. My sister also did the same thing for more than 3 years, and it was equally simple for her. We did not maintain "ties" to Canada, other than having a Canadian passport. So perhaps we both got really lucky, somehow I doubt that. I don't know if they have changed the rules in the last 2 years, but in my personal experience, getting a TN visa is actually very easy.

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I was pretty heavy on this issue when I was first accepted to the US. My gf is a high school teacher and having contacted the school boards in both PA and KY, I found it would be struggle to get a H1B for her based on the rules.


Slacker, if your gf doesn't have a degree, it will probably be next to impossible for her to work in the US unless she becomes a farm worker (which I doubt she would want). She could like I mentioned go in as an F2 if you got married, but not qualified to work. Based on F1 guidelines though, you would probably have to prove you have the funds year over year to support a dependent.


US immigration is a very sticky situation. They seem to want to help their own, over those outside the US to a higher degree (which should make sense in a patriotic nation).


Good Luck Slacker. Hopefully you'll find a good solution.

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