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Aamc #3


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So I heard that AAMC test #3 is very easy..but I did extremely poor on it! I only have 1.5 months left to study. Should I be worried?


If you did that bad on it without having reviewed everything, then its ok. You'll get better at it once you've reviewed everything and practiced a few more exams.

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Well, here is the thing.. I have reviewed everything, but not in depth. Just like a quick review. This was the first practice test I've taken and I did really bad!


Yeah, its recommended that you review all the stuff in detail. So you should get started on that. And have you been practicing passages from workbooks?


Also, mostly everyone does horrible in their first mcat practice test. But, a lot tend to improve as they do more tests.


Oh btw a month and a half is more than enough to study for the mcat.

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Thank you! I'm hoping I get better, cause my score was horrible.


I think what happened is that when I was studying, I spent too much time on PS (did well on that section) and not enough time on BS (really low score). As for VR, I ran out of time, so I guessed on the last passage.

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I did super bad on AAMC #3, which was my first ever aamc test. I got a 25 (6 on VR) and pretty much freaked out (especially after finding out it was the easiest), as you could imagine. I had done really well on two of Kaplan's VR tests, so I was bummed out. I guess I got lucky for Kaplan because I'm not doing much better with VR as of now! I just did my second AAMC yesterday and got 27 so I'm hoping I will improve more by exam day, which is in a 1.5 weeks :S If not, I'll probably write and void, and re-write at a later date.


I think it mostly has to do with test-taking. I find that I could probably answer more questions right if I had more time (as would most others), and that I usually run out of time, lose concentration, and/or panic. I think doing some more practice will help with the speed and improve test-taking skills. You have 1.5 months left so you should be fine! (unlike me :eek:)


Good luck!

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I did super bad on AAMC #3, which was my first ever aamc test. I got a 25 (6 on VR) and pretty much freaked out (especially after finding out it was the easiest)


While the sciences on 3 were on the easier side, I thought the verbal was one of the worst.... the Confucius passage blew me out of the water.

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Thank you guys so much.. I'm still a little worried though.

Ya I agree with the VR section.. I found it really hard (I got a 6 as well)

As for the BS section, I was really tired at the end, so I kinda just went through it fast. That and the fact that I didn't study that much led to my low score!

I am hoping and praying that my next practice exam is better!


Anybody else get a really low score on AAMC 3?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The VR was tight for time, I flew through the last passage and only had time to quickly review a couple troubling questions.


I found the science topics pretty easy overall, but some of the questions were tough (The question about the ducks following a large moving object? I've never seen that stuff/heard of the answer choices before!)


Just wrote it today, got a 12/10/12 (PS/VR/BS). I can only hope my real score when I write in 9 days is as good!

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Phew, I'm glad I came across this thread. I did AAMC #3 a couple of days ago, my first attempt at a full-length, and boy did I get an abysmal score. I got a 10 on VR, 9 on BS and... a 6 on PS! :eek: 25 overall. I have no idea what happened, and I feel really terrible. I hope I can improve as I write in 3 weeks.

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