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Definition for full course year

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Hi, I am confused with how U of C defines their full course year.


In the manual, it states that:


"full-time is considered to be no less than 4 full courses (or 8 half) per session, September to April"


However, it also states that:


"Usually, courses taken during the spring and summer sessions are not counted in the full-time study requirement nor the grade point average but are considered as indicators of the student’s academic background."


I am a SFU student that is tri-semester. I usually take 4 or 5 courses per term and occassionally 3 courses during summer term. Since the requirement said courses taken during the spring and summer sessions are not counted in the full time study, so only courses taken in fall are considered towards GPA?


Wouldn't that leave only 4 terms (i.e. 1 term per year) to be considered as full courses? Or am I reading this wrong.


I am trying to determine if I reach the minimum GPA requirement for applying.


Thank you!!

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Think of it from a prospective of a UBC student.


We have winter session, that is split into two: Sept-Dec, Jan-april


What they mean is, you have to have a minimum of 4 courses in both those two. And they don't count summer semester to your full time.


Sept to April is considered Winter session. Spring/summer is considered May-Aug

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If you took 4 courses per term during Sept-Dec and Jan-April, you're good to go.


Though alot of other schools require 5. If you can, have at least 2 years of 5 per term, to be good at a lot of other schools. Unless you work or are heavily involved in something, I see no reason why you should limit yourself to only 4.

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I was a Canadian who went down to the US for undergrad too. The quarters are actually more class time than here in Canada, so what you have to do is put them in as "other" and multiply each course by the fraction of hours you did. i.e. a quarter term is 2/3 of a semester so take take 2/3* your 3 credits to make it 2 credits in semester terms.

Out of curiosity are you Chinese QChou? You can PM me if you have questions buddy.


UC 2013

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