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mcat verbal reasoning help!


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I wrote the MCAT once already and my weakest area is verbal reasoning. I am writing again in 2 weeks and I've tried to practice a lot and yet I don't see any huge improvements on my score. (I think I average at about 7 right now). However when I watched some online lectures for verbal, i had to read passages where the text is much more magnified, and for some reason, I was able to understand the passage better, read more quickly, and therefore answering more of the questions correctly. So I think the small and cramped text on these passages are really affecting my head. I lose track a lot of thte time..end up going back and re reading what I just read. Do they have any functions on the mcat where we can enlarge the text?

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I had the same problem, but just learned to deal with it.


I did notice that you can request large font for your MCAT, but have never really looked into it.


Just practice reading on smaller font, it wont be that hard after a while.

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Don't go back to re-read. Chances are, if you get a question that pertains to a particular section, you'll re-read most of that section again anyway while answering the question.


Also, if you find that you aren't finishing with enough time, make sure that you're reading efficiently. I know this may seem obvious to some, but don't mouth the words while you read. This slows you down big time. Read in your head only.

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Hey JanetJade,


Try looking back at the questions you are getting wrong and see if there is a theme. Do some self evaluation and see why you are getting those ones wrong. Determine how you are getting to that answer choice. For example, why is A a better answer than B. Also go back to the ones you get right (especially the ones you thought you would get wrong or were unsure of) and see if there is a pattern. ask yourself 'why is this one right'?


As for the passage, I think you really need to practice with the format that AAMC has for their exams. Reading on a screen is difficult and can cause focus to dwindle. Go to places like prep101 , kaplan and princeton review and try their free diagnostic exams (to practice on). I am unsure, though, whether they use the same one or not. It might be useful for you to purchase a few of the AAMC practice tests and do some trials.


Don't read detail for detail in the passage, that'll slow you down. Try reading as a whole and on the scrap, note the main pt of each paragraph. Pre-read the questions (not the answers) before reading the passage so that you can pick up on any question references in the passage while reading.


Practice, self evaluate, and practice again. look at what the questions is asking you. It really takes practice and self evaluation. If you are not doing well with your technique, than don't use it. Change your approach. How do you change your technique to get a higher score? Self evaluation my friend.


Good luck, and hopefully this helps you,


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Hey I agree with what someone said about trying to figure out what you are doing wrong. Also maybe it is your overall strategy that is weak and maybe trying a different one will help more. Alot of people find the kaplan strategy is most useful. I think you can buy it from amazon. There are alot of people who just download it for free off of torrent sites by looking up "Kaplan verbal torrent" on google but DON'T do that because it is not legal and unethical.


Also practice as much as you can!

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