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Writing Sample Examples, where do you get them from?


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I feel that coming up with writing examples for the Writing Sample is painfully hard. I can only come up with what feels like to me really weak ones. Where the ones I read in examples and posts seem to be really solid and well put historical events. I just don't have the memory for names and dates on the spot.


Any advice? Below is a sample for reference (sorry for the long post) I just feel lost in these things. I felt rushed in the sample below because I felt like my brain was struggling for a good example. I want to get better at this.


Thanks guys, means a lot.


*posted by Nadil a while back.


In business, the image of a product is more important than the product itself.


Write a unified essay in which you perform the following tasks. Explain what you think the above statement means. Describe a specific situation, in business, in which the product itself might be more important than the image of the product. Discuss what you think determines, in business, whether or not the image of a product is more important than the product itself.



The old adage of a good first impression applies to not only meeting new people in life but also to consumer products. When people are faced with buying a product they are first confronted with the image of that product. Immediately the consumers makes snap judgements about the product without having ever used or tested it. Common house hold goods, such as plates, towels, vases, and place mats, are purchased many times in a consumers life time. These everyday use products are a good example of a product thats image is more important that the product itself. These items say something about the consumer. They speak to the buyers style and taste. For instance, the new place mats may fit your modern or contemporary tastes?


But when aesthetics are not the main reasons for choosing one product over another it is the quality of the product that carries the most weight. Every year MIT holds an event call "The Elevator Pitch" where students at MIT are presented the the opportunity to present and idea in 30 seconds to top tier investors. This model is created to sum up quickly the values of a product. Two of the keys points that must be touched on are what does the product do and why is it better. In this situation because the product is not something already made and used by thousand of people its image is not most important. It is the facts that revolve around the product that are most important. Especially because the product is yet to exist. One group developed a cement that was not only more environmentally friendly but less expensive and 90% stronger and than what was currently being sold. The hard facts make this product a solid investment.


What is the products purpose and where does it stand in the market? If the product is something people have enough facts about to make an informed decision about the consumer may weight the image of the product to be most important. Where as if the product is new and being "pitched" to a market, the corresponding statistics of the product carry immense weight compared to what the image of the product conveys. The investors first impression of the cement based on image alone would not do justice to the numbers.

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Immediately the consumers makes snap judgements about the product without having ever used or tested it. Common house hold goods, such as plates, towels, vases, and place mats, are purchased many times in a consumers life time. These everyday use products are a good example of a product thats image is more important that the product itself.


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