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The 2010-2011 Application to Mac...

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Hey everyone, this is my first time applying to med school, and I had a few questions for Mac.


1. Okay, so do EC's not count? Someone on another related post about this said that the Autobiographical Sketch is not ranked or scored for your app to Mac. What exactly does that mean - that they don't even look at it? I don't have much ECs, so this might help me if they don't give too much attention to it.


2. Reference Letters - are these weighed heavily at Mac? Any more/less so than another school?


3. Casper - new for this cycle, what can I do to prepare for it? Apparently it's like the MMI's, so I guess I should expect ethical dilemmas...? What are those ethical books that everyone recommends ("Doing Right" I think it was called? There was another one though...)


4. Autobiographical sketch - is this ONLY used IF the Casper system fails?


Thanks everyone.

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1) As far as the pre-interview formula is concerned, the generic OMSAS autobiographic sketch is not that important. This is not meant to trivialize the importance of the OMSAS sketch as it pertains to MD Program applicants, but rather to highlight the more importance aspects of your pre-interview application to McMaster. Your OMSAS sketch is part of your McMaster file, but it is not ranked or scored (contrary to some schools); the sketch takes on the role of a one-page CV in your application file.


2) Following the MMI, applicants are evaluated using Formula 2, which is used for advancement to collation (i.e. final file review). Collation is where the reference letters are reviewed, along with the entire applicant file. At McMaster, the letters of reference are used as red flags only (i.e. they are not scored numerically, contrary to some medical schools). This is why McMaster is more lenient with respect to the date of arrival of reference letters (i.e. since they are reviewed at the end of the application process, rather than at the beginning).


3) CASPer is a type of CMSENS (Ctrl+F: "CMSENS"): Computer-based Multiple Sampling Evaluation of Non-cognitive Skills. Joshua Liu (premed101 user name: medhopeful.com) has made an insightful post on his blog re: CASPer. It's difficult to prepare for CASPer, but that's exactly the point. I know this is hard to hear as an MD Program applicant, but your general preparation for your application and interviews at other medical schools should serve you well at McMaster, as well. Learn more about CASPer, here.


4) Yes, for 2011 entry the ABS will only be used if the CASPer system runs into some unexpected and catastrophic issue which prevents the CASPer from being evaluated properly. Of course, this means you must give the five ABS questions your all, as there is a chance it may be worth 32% of your pre-interview score.


Good Luck! :)

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